SMM tools. Popsters service – analysis of records of VKontakte communities

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    The Popsters service allows you to analyze the posts of VKontakte communities and displays the most viral ones.

    Who is the service for?

    1. For community owners to analyze competitors and control SMM contractors.
    2. For SMM specialists to plan and adjust their content strategy, search and analyze competitors/partners.
    3. For analysts.

    First, let’s look at how the service works, and then we’ll talk about its advantages and disadvantages.

    So, on the main page you will see a very convenient interface, where you can easily figure out what to do.

    An example of the analysis of the VKontakte community

    We analyze the GuruVkusoff page – cooking, cooking sets.

    Loading all community posts since its inception. We get an “endless” feed, where you can filter by month, likes, reposts, comments. We get something like this:

    сообщество о кулинарии

    Similar groups were not found, because the selected group is not popular and it can be added to the site database.

    The most commented and viral in terms of the number of reposts over 2 years were branded culinary sets.

    Then you can upload statistics (graph) on the number of likes in relation to the number of records and select a specific month for analysis. This is very useful if your business has a pronounced seasonality.

    график с аналитикой активности в сообществе

    Service benefits:

    1. Registration is not required.

    2. Absolutely free.

    3. Good support. You can leave comments and suggestions about the work of the service in their VKontakte group “Popsters”.

    4. Convenient filters for sorting the most commented posts, with the most likes and reposts.

    5. Flexible choice by dates.

    6. Fast work. If you need to analyze a very large community, you can choose the number of entries (for example, for the last six months or a month).

    What else could be done:

    Export data to Excel. Let’s say you analyzed your competitors, saw their most viral posts and decided to plagiarize adjust your content strategy. Because most likely you have a content plan with days and hours of publication in Excel, it would be very convenient to integrate both of these documents.

    If you are optimizing the site for social networks (SMO), then it would be very convenient to upload the data of the most popular (or similar) groups to Excel. Then quickly look through the main data (PR, attendance, etc.) for these groups using SEO Tools for Excel, highlight promising ones for cooperation.


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