Books 2018 -2019. What did MAVR staff read in 2018-2019?

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    We have a tradition at MAVR: every year we publish a list of books read during the year.

    15 books by Vladislav Rykov, director of the MAVR marketing agency, read in 2019.

    1. Age of the client. M. Potashev, M. Levandovsky

    2-7. Favorites. The six most important books. V. Tarasov

    • “Technology of life. Book for heroes»
    • “Philosophical stories for children from six to sixty years”
    • “Russian lessons of Japanese koans”
    • “Commander”
    • “The Art of Managerial Struggle”
    • “Intracompany Relations”
    1. Habit Eight: From Efficiency to Greatness. S. Covey.
    2. Corporation reengineering. Manifesto for a business revolution. Michael Hammer, James Champy
    3. SEO Monster 2020
    4. Business processes. Modeling, implementation, management. Vladimir Repin

    Example: Sales Management: Business Process

    Управление продажами: бизнес-процесс

    Example: Directory of goals and indicators

    Справочник целей и показателей

    1. Benefiting from Agile Retrospectives. Ben Lindres and Luis Goncalves
    2. Eric Rees “Business from scratch. The Lean Startup method for quickly testing ideas and choosing a business model.
    3. Paul Jarvis. “One man company. Why you don’t need to expand your business
    4. C. Christensen. “The Law of Successful Innovation: Why the customer hires your product and how knowing about it helps new developments”

    21 books by Vladislav Rykov, director of the MAVR marketing agency, read in 2018.

    1. Brian Tracy. “Get out of your comfort zone. Change your life”

    2. S. Plechkov. “Million Dollar Salesman”

    3. E.I. Baryshnikov “Evaluation of personnel by the method of assessment center. Best HR Strategies»

    4. Gavin Kennedy “Anything can be negotiated! How to get the most out of any negotiation

    5. Scrum: A Revolutionary Project Management Method by Jeff Sutherland

    6. “How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don’t Know” Byron Sharp

    7. SEO Guru 2018

    8. SEO Monster 2018

    9. Tony Shay Delivering Happiness. From zero to a billion

    Creation of a book about corporate culture (written by employees, customers, suppliers, etc.)

    Happiness is made up of four things: feelings of control, feelings of progress, attachments (the number and depth of your relationship), and vision/meaning (feeling you are part of something bigger).

    10 Pamela Hamilton How to conduct a successful seminar.

    11. Lee LeFever. The art of explaining. How to make sure that you are understood perfectly.

    The way to link context and scale of explanations is that the explanations answer the questions of how and why. At first, people need to understand the why, but as they move up the scale, the how becomes more important to them.

    Ли ЛеФевер. Искусство объяснять

    12. Maxim Batyrev. 45 tattoos sold: Rules for those who sell and manage sales.

    • give 2 extra business cards for recommendations: “You can always count on me if you have any questions. And I would be grateful if you would recommend me as a specialist to your acquaintances or friends.”
    • Meet by clothes! Enter a dress code for the sales department!
    • If you want to like it – sit and listen!
    • Too good contact with the Client reduces the likelihood of a sale. Do not go with the Client to You.
    • The more in common with the Client, the higher the likelihood of a sale.
    • The result is a sequential execution of boring processes.
    • VUZU – Attention, Respect, Care, confidence in the product and Smile.
    • An outstanding invoice cannot be paid.

    13. E. Zhigliy. Call master.

    14. Neil Rackham. SPIN sales.

    Нил Рэкхем. СПИН-продажи

    15. Andrey Sednev. Presentation without preparation. What and how to say if you are taken by surprise.

    16. Lorraine Grubs-West. Employees for Life: Loyalty Lessons from Southwest Airlines.

    17. Austin Kleon. Steal like an artist.

    18. F. Reicheld and R. Markey. Sincere loyalty. The key to winning Clients for life.

    19. V. Tarasov et al. Social technologies of the Tallinn School of Managers. Experience of successful use in business, management and private life.

    20. K. Sheremetiev. Crazy creativity. Dozens of ideas a day in 12 minutes.

    21. A. Friedman. You or you: professional exploitation of subordinates. Regular management for a rational leader.

    The main task of the leader is to organize the effective exploitation of his subordinates.

    About the three managerial functions

    At first, I would recommend highlighting the development, optimization and implementation functions. Such a cut allows the leader to be more aware / focus on his actions, due to which he can perform them more professionally.

    • Development is responsible for organizing forecasts and making additions / exceptions both to the nature of the company’s actions in the market and to the corporate governance system itself. It is desirable, of course, that all additions / exceptions correspond to the same forecasts, in addition, they are made proactively, before they have to cross themselves when the thunder strikes.
    • Optimization, in contrast to development, does not involve replacing the existing elements of the corporate governance system, but adjusting, calibrating and bringing them to an expedient and appropriate level of perfection.
    • Implementation is already responsible for the implementation of those decisions that are made within the framework of the development and optimization functions at the strategic and operational levels.

    Responsibilities of the leader in the field of operational management of subordinates

    1. Formulation of the problem.
    2. Organization of execution.
    3. Distribution of duties.
    4. Ensuring interaction.
    5. Formation of a positive attitude towards work.
    6. Building interpersonal relationships.
    7. Analysis of results.
    8. Process efficiency audit.

    Responsibilities 1-4 operational-regular, 5-7 background-long-term.

    The performance of managerial duties should be included in the manager’s work schedule under the appropriate title.

    Managerial responsibilities should be included in the work schedule not just on an equal basis with other cases, but taking into account the fact that this particular area of responsibility should be a priority.

    набор компетенций руководителя

    The main tasks of planning include: accounting for projects and obligations, setting priorities, formalizing work goals, detailing the list of works, determining the optimal sequence of tasks, accounting and evaluating all types of resources, drawing up a schedule of implementation, determining milestones for monitoring and assessing the situation.

    Additional tasks include: identification and assessment of risks, as well as development, prevention and response models.

    About motivation

    A motivated employee can be considered one who is ready for a constructive dialogue with the corporate governance system. In other words, a motivated person himself wants to do his job exactly as the company needs.

    Motivation is influenced by how well employees understand the system itself and the reasons why it is set up that way.

    The key condition for the effective application of the “Operational Motivation” competence. Allocating special time to organize a constructive discussion of corporate policy.

    About leadership. A professional manager should be able to resolve up to 90% of emerging situations with the help of “intangible” influences.

    Where should you start upgrading your managerial skills?

    I would recommend starting with a professional study of competencies such as:

    • “Planning”: this competence can be studied within the framework of one seminar;
    • “Regulation”, “Delegation”, “Coordination”, “Control”, “Operational motivation”: these competencies are included in such an assembly as management skills, and, accordingly, can also be mastered during one workshop;
    • “Operational leadership”: depending on the position in the hierarchy, training can be carried out within the framework of one to three trainings. By mastering these competencies at a more professional level, you will complete basic vocational training.

    Coordinates of well-being: looking for an optimal “base point”, a person uses a three-dimensional coordinate system.

    • The first, “material” axis provides the possibility of existence in modern society.
    • The second, “social” axis is responsible for the relationship of a person with his environment. If a person’s relationship with significant persons and / or social groups does not bother him at least, and even gives pleasure, then he will be satisfied with his “coordinates”.
    • The third, “mental” axis is responsible for the state of our ego. We are satisfied with life if what we do is consistent with our own ideas about “what is good and what is bad.”

    Evolutionary psychology claims that our ancestors were ready to go hunting only at the moment when the chances of dying of starvation in a cave became higher than dying outside the threshold of this very cave.

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