Overview of the PuzzleBot service (bot constructor in Telegram)

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    PuzzleBot is a service for creating chat bots, as well as for maintaining chats and channels in the Telegram messenger, which will help you assemble a multifunctional bot in just 7 minutes without programming knowledge. The service is perfect for both beginners who have just discovered the possibilities of bots, and professionals in bot building.

    чат-бот PuzzleBot

    Website: https://puzzlebot.top

    One of the most significant distinguishing features is the work not only with bots, but also with chats and channels, which no one else has. The service also includes:

    • Multifunctional – 126 different functions for bot, chat and channel, which we will look at below.
    • Convenient mobile version.
    • Quick development of the constructor – only 7 minutes to create a bot for receiving applications.
    • Active help – 1150 subscribers in the Support Chat.
    • Complete Knowledge Base – 110 articles on all the features of the service and 26 video lessons.

    The service allows you to create a bot for free. The lowest tariff costs 398 rubles per month.

    Consider the main features of the service on its tabs.

    Конструктор чат-бота

    The constructor is the heart of the project, it allows you to simply drag and drop blocks to create commands, fill them with content, add different types of keyboards, input forms, and much more.

    • Blocks: text, image, video, audio, document.
    • Variables.
    • Keyboards.
    • private commands.
    • Input form.
    • Autodelete.
    • Payments.
    • Self-replacing commands.
    • Checking a subscription to a group or channel.

    Модерация чат-бота

    Moderation is a function that allows you to work with subscribers of a bot, chat or channel. You can divide users into categories, which will allow you to apply actions only to the segmented part, as well as automatically give or take away the rights of members of a chat or channel.

    • Adding users to categories.
    • Setting permissions for each category.

    чат-бот для постинга

    Posting – a tab for sending messages to all users and for selected categories, allows you to:

    • Edit sent message after sending.
    • Send to several places at once (multiposting).
    • Set repeats for posts.

    Сценарии для чат-бота

    Scenarios are one of the most complex functions of the service. Allows you to start sending pre-prepared posts with a specified sequence and time interval, based on the beginning of the script for a particular user.

    • Fine-tuning the date and time.
    • Repeat posts.

    Магазин на чат-боте

    Shop – allows you to create products, delivery options, payment options, discounts and set up work with tables.

    • Stock.
    • Electronic goods.
    • Product options.
    • Order status.
    • Multicurrency.
    • Constructor of payment and delivery options.

    Диалоги в чат-боте

    Dialogs – a tab where you can see the user’s actions in the bot, as well as communicate with him.

    • Communication on behalf of the bot.
    • Chatting.

    статистика чат-бота

    Login – a function of creating unique links in the bot to view the statistics of clicks on them. Also, it allows you to create a referral system in the bot.

    • Internet page of the bot.
    • Generation of promo links.
    • Referral system.
    • Transfer statistics.

    Триггеры для чат-бота

    Triggers is a special tab for groups that allows you to customize the response to a phrase. The list of reactions includes: deletion, blocking, sending a message, commands, and more. Negative keywords have been added for finer tuning.

    Above, we have listed only a small part of the entire arsenal of PuzzleBot service functions. Try it yourself for free — https://puzzlebot.top, see how other users do it — https://youtu.be/HMh_ZFE85rk, or ask any question in the Support Chat — https://t.me/lovepuzzlebot

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