Link in the header of the Instagram account: where to make a multilink on Instagram for free?

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    Instagram is a social network that has grown over time into a global business platform. Unfortunately, the app’s interface hasn’t kept up with the needs of users, let alone selling accounts. To establish feedback with customers, business profiles use business card sites or multilinks.

    Multilink – what is it?

    A multilink is a link that redirects the client to a page where you place all the links and useful information. This promotion method is called micro-landing and serves to improve customer feedback. Depending on the service, the business card page is filled with the following data:

    • links to projects and communication channels (websites, blogs, social networks);
    • contact details (phone, e-mail, instant messengers);
    • useful information for the client (in the format of a blitz survey).
    Как выглядит мультиссылка в Instagram

    What a multilink looks like on Instagram

    Multilinks are posted on various social networks, but are especially common on Instagram. Creating a link takes a few minutes and does not require any special knowledge from the user. The finished link is published in the profile manually – just click on the “Edit” button.

    Aqulas, one of the services for creating a multilink, is not limited to the ability to quickly generate a business card site and provides access to statistics. Data on views and clicks appear in your personal account for the selected period of time in the format of a convenient graph. Reach analysis will help determine how effective microlanding is.

    Read also “TOP Services for Deeplinks”.

    Link in the profile header on Instagram: who needs it and why?

    The demand for multilinks on Instagram arose due to the limited functionality of this platform. Social network users can upload only one active link in the profile header. Due to this, interaction with the client becomes more complicated. If you make a mistake in the design of the header, the client may not reach the proposed product at all.

    Пример готовой мультиссылки, созданной на Aqulas

    An example of a ready-made multilink created on Aqulas


    Multilinks are focused on sales, so they are useful for selling accounts. These profiles include:

    • instagram stores: a business card site will collect all the information about the goods, catalog them and set up the acceptance of applications;
    • people and companies providing services: on the business card website, customers will see a list of services supported by photo and video materials;
    • business in the field of events and events: a business card page will familiarize visitors with the date, venue and program of the event.

    How to create a multilink on Instagram for free using Aqulas?

    1. Open the Aqulas home page and register (only your e-mail is needed). If desired, you can synchronize your account with Google or Facebook.

    Как создать бесплатно ссылку для Инстаграм в Aqulas

    1. Choose a rate. Two options are available: multilink for free and PRO-tariff with advanced functionality.
      Выберите тариф
    2. Proceed to the design of a free multilink. When creating an address, do not forget that the system only recognizes Latin letters.
      Приступите к оформлению мультиссылки
    3. Choose from a range of colors offered. The palette can be changed in the settings at any time – for the entire page or for a specific block.
      Подберите цветовое оформление из предложенной гаммы
    4. Confirm the creation of the multilink and close the pop-up window.
      Подтвердите создание мультиссылки

    Multilink for Instagram is ready. Now you need to fill in the blocks that customers will see. On Instagram, the link is placed in the “Website” column.

    Как поставить ссылку в шапку Instagram

    How to put a link in the Instagram header

    The design of a business card site begins with the “Add block” section on the main page. The site offered different types of blocks, including:

    • messengers;
    • price list;
    • picture;
    • video;
    • questions and answers, etc.

    Мультиссылка создает мини-лендинг

    Choose the type of content that will help promote your product and fill it with bright content.

    Multilink from Aqulas creates a mini-landing by bringing together all the links. It serves as a useful tool in the hands of both an SMM specialist and an Instagram user who is just mastering promotion tools. The link will allow you to work in multitasking mode:

    • view statistics of views and clicks;
    • track conversions and applications;
    • set up retargeting;
    • synchronize your account with Facebook, Yandex, Google analytics systems;
    • create a unique design without programming skills.

    You can also transfer ownership of the link to another user or grant access to your client if they want to edit their account.

    If you have a micro-landing, then your users will not get lost in the variety of content and on the right page they will easily find the most important information and contacts for communication.

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