Review of the book by Dmitry Kot “Copywriting: how not to eat the dog. We create texts that sell

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    I have long promised to write a review of this book. Copywriting: how not to eat the dog. We create texts that sell” will be of interest not only to all copywriters, but also to marketers and business leaders. A very convenient structure with practical advice, tasks and its own “chips”. The best I chose from the book with my notes.

    Обзор книги Дмитрия Кота. Копирайтинг: как не съесть собаку. Создаем тексты, которые продают.

    1. Get a notebook and write down good headlines, signs, catchy quotes or catchy ads. Review before writing each new advertising text you work with.

    2. In the light of modern trends in the development of search engines (for example, increasing the value of the added value of content, i.e. semantic uniqueness), the example of “light text” on the site was very relevant. When the main goal was not the density of keywords, not the number of characters and other SEO-tricks, but to show in “Funny Stories from Life” how exactly the company can help its Clients.

    3. Visit online auctions such as (unfortunately, it is now closed) to see how non-professionals write advertising texts. What will attract you to the product?

    4. Use the present tense in the text, avoid the future.

    5. Test your texts.

    6. Creative crisis? Get inspired at There are many slogans and headlines here –

    7. “The headline should be as sticky as honey.”

    8. I downloaded books by J. Caples, G. Bensivenga, J. Sugarman, T. Ferris on the recommendation of Dmitry. In line to read.

    9. “Provocation is an excellent ramming weapon.”

    10. “Push erotica into the headlines, play with strawberries – and you will be happy.”

    11. In addition to coherent logic and convincing arguments, there must be emotions in the text! Like spices to taste.

    12. Dmitry is very generous with all kinds of metaphors, because of this, his book is read very easily, it turns on the imagination. Therefore, he recommends not to forget about this literary device in selling texts.

    13. The advice from the author not to exceed 4000 characters for the text on the site is very controversial, but works in 80% of cases.

    14. Hiding the price, you lose customers!

    15. Carefully review the Spam folder in your mailbox. What headline grabbed you? Write them down in a notebook, get inspired. The last ones that came across to me are “We have a list of your lost Clients” and “11 promotion friends or how to make the coolest advertising for the New Year”.

    16. Explain to the Client that the price of a product (service) is just an investment that will pay for itself later.

    17. Can’t think of a title? Look through the pages of the yellow press. (Teaser ads on websites are also full of inspiring headlines.)

    18. Another controversial tip about the “Buy” button on the site. Dmitry suggests using other forms of call to action: “Place an order”, “Add to cart”, etc. Before you decide to take this step, conduct a / b testing on users, which call they were most interested in.

    19. Increase the trust of Clients in you with the help of reviews, cases, reputation.

    Remember 4S. A great review is specific, short, sizzling, and signed.
    Avoid 4L – long (long), unsatisfactory (lame), lazily written and insufficient (lacking a point).

    John Carlton

    I also liked that at the end of the book there are recommendations on how to format the text, “bad advice” on how to work with people of creative professions, how to properly part with Clients, etc.

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