Why do small and medium businesses need end-to-end analytics and how to choose a system in a crisis?

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    End-to-end analytics is not a new tool that is already used by a large number of companies, but a single framework for using end-to-end analytics every day has not yet been introduced. We at PrimeGate are noticing a trend that the tool is being used by the majority as a dashboard to take metrics once a month. But from such an approach to business, and, moreover, to small and medium-sized ones, there will be no benefit.

    Why do you need end-to-end analytics?

    At the top level, its task is to show you how your marketing works in one window mode. You connect integrations with advertising accounts and with CRM and in a few minutes you can understand how advertising works, how much you earned (or lost) on it, how profit and turnover indicators fluctuate. You can see not only which channels, but also which specific ads and keys brought targeted traffic to you.

    Рисунок 1. Отчет по сквозной аналитике: вложенность каналов

    Figure 1. End-to-end analytics report: channel nesting

    And also check how the cost of a lead, deal or sale correlates with the amount of profit that you earned on a particular deal.

    Рисунок 2. Простой пример, почему важно не столько количество, сколько качество сделок и продаж.

    Small and medium businesses are not insured. And his success often depends on the leader, on the speed and quality of his decisions. End-to-end analytics and financial reports for the PrimeGate manager provide an opportunity to get accurate information quickly and make a quick decision.

    If the conversion to sales fluctuates (there are also many leads, but there are few closed deals), the manager can listen to several negotiations and determine whether the problem is in sales or in the quality of leads. If the lead has become too expensive, this is a reason to get involved in marketing: maybe a competitor has come out who outbids in price? Is something broken on the site? Have the creatives changed and everything is gone? Or maybe the marketer did not think and turned off the campaign, which at first glance did not bring leads, but actually participated in the transaction, returning the client to the site between the first and last click?

    Ecosystem for marketing and sales automation PrimeGate

    The main reason for creating the system is the desire to introduce transparency into business processes. We understood that many businesses lose a huge amount of money simply because leads are lost, calls are cut off, there is no convenient mode for working with requests and evaluating marketing effectiveness. We created PrimeGate’s algorithmic dynamic call tracking with accuracy in mind, because inaccurate data leads to erroneous decisions, and they lead to loss of profit. Next, end-to-end analytics was created. And now the system has grown into a full-fledged ecosystem for marketing and sales automation.

    In any tariff already included by default:

    • Call tracking (dynamic and static).
    • Up to 9 numbers for dynamic call tracking.
    • End-to-end analytics.
    • A full-fledged virtual PBX with FMC SIM cards.
    • Chat technical support.
    • Free setup of up to 2 of your sites within the plan.
    • Widgets for the Lead Genny website with a callback.
    • Open API for connecting self-written or third-party CRM.
    • Built-in integration with AmoCRM and Bitrix 24.

    Can be connected additionally and is included in the Big Data and Data Driven tariff:

    • Email tracking.
    • SuperCharger is a single window of the CRM system where you can receive calls, communicate via chat, telegram or mail. The module is new, presented on May 10, 2020. This is a new approach to maintaining CRM, which solves the biggest headache of an entrepreneur: CRM sabotage, disparate communication channels. Now leads will not be lost, and managers will not forget to process them. Write letters from the interface, call from the built-in webphone, correspond via internal chat or telegram. The list of features is constantly expanding.

    We know firsthand what small and medium-sized businesses face every day, and we try to provide maximum support. That is why the system already includes everything you need, you do not need to rack your brains with third-party integrations, we have done everything for you.

    This is especially true for small and medium businesses that do not have the time and resources to deal with non-core IT puzzles. Setting up a turnkey system by our forces takes no more than an hour, and you just have to register UTM and set up call forwarding on your side.

    Author: Anna Tomenchuk, CBDO

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