Promotion on Pinterest

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    Pinterest is the best social network for finding visual aesthetics. It contains the most complete content from all over the Internet. This platform plays an indispensable role for business. Since the pictures from this social network lead directly to the online store, where a potential customer can make a purchase.

    Pinterest does not stand still and improves. More recently, new features have appeared there, for example, a subscription feed and hashtags. And these are important tools for increasing reach, traffic and promotion on Pinterest.

    Benefits of promoting on Pinterest

    Продвижение в Pinterest

    Pinterest is a visualization board. Pinterest continues to grow in popularity and now has over 100 million users.

    So why is this social does the network occupy one of the leading positions in the promotion of companies?

    According to statistics:

    • every 5th user buys the product that he has pinned on his board;
    • 2-3 people plan to purchase this saved item.

    What are the benefits?

    • Different audience by age range: from 20 to 60 years.
    • This is a fast and almost free way to make money selling goods.
    • It is possible to create an account with advanced features, which will indicate: price, quantity, availability, place where you can buy goods, and a map.
    • Ability to create group image boards with your business partners to increase your reach.
    • The pins-instructions section is popular. According to statistics, they attract a larger percentage of potential buyers.
    • The lifespan of a pin is about 2 years;
    • Works well with b2b and b2c segments.

    Pinterest has the irreplaceable “pin it” advantage. That is, adding the desired products to your boards. What is the advantage of pins?

    • Firstly, boards can be viewed by other users and more people will know about your products;
    • Secondly, a link to your website with information about the product is attached. The client can easily order it at any time without wasting time searching for your site on the Internet;
    • Thirdly, showing the pin to your subscribers. It is similar to the feed in any social network, this feature is especially beneficial for start-up companies.
    • Fourth, you can create an aesthetically pleasing board that customers will want to buy from you when they see it.

    Pinterest account types

    There are several types of accounts. Let’s see who is suitable for what and for what purposes:

    1. Personal – users use to search for different aesthetics as well as consumer goods;
    2. Business – when you create this account, you will have access to statistics and advertising. Accounts will have the following features:
      • create a verified company page;
      • use service analytics;
      • detailed pins with the necessary information about the product (availability, price) and the company (location).

    Who needs Pinterest promotion?

    Promotion on Pinterest is necessary if your business is related to the following business segments:

    • cooking;
    • music industry;
    • fashion industry;
    • interior and landscape design;
    • jewelry, accessories and bijouterie;
    • handmade;
    • decor and household goods;
    • photo industry;
    • tourism;
    • sports activities;
    • technique;
    • artistic sphere;
    • blogs.

    These are the topics most often found in Pinterest, search queries, as well as in the titles of the boards. Therefore, if your business is related to such areas, you can safely start promoting on Pinterest.

    Scheme of work in the social network

    Pinterest promotion work is built as follows:

    1. We define your business goals and target audience.
    2. We analyze competitors.
    3. We develop a marketing strategy.
    4. We select hashtags that will most accurately describe your product and be popular. We advise different types and types of content, draw up a content plan.
    5. We attract new subscribers.
    6. We launch targeted advertising.
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