Features of promotion by high-frequency queries + case

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    High-frequency keywords usually include those that have more than 10,000 queries per month. In some topics, the figure may be lower – from 5000, in others higher – from 30000. Seasonality can also affect such requests. For example, keywords about planting plants are more popular in spring and autumn, and in winter they are of almost no interest to anyone. A similar picture with air conditioners or heating equipment and many other topics.

    Pros and cons of high-frequency queries

    продвижение по высокочастотным запросам

    Most often, high-frequency queries consist of one or two words, never three or more. They are vague, so it is difficult to guess what all those who enter them want to see. For example, for the query “bedding”, the user can search both for an online store to buy, and for information about recommendations for choosing or about washing. As a result, some of the people who enter the site on this request will leave within the first few seconds, as they will not find the answers they are interested in. And this increases the number of bounces on the site, reduces its relevance to the request, that is, gradually leads to a decrease in the issuance.

    This implies:

    Plus: a high-frequency request can bring a lot of people to the site.

    Cons: They may leave the site without finding the information they need, increasing bounce rates.

    Many owners of business and information portals dream of getting into the TOP of search results for high-frequency queries. After all, even one such can bring a lot of people who will be converted into sales, applications or ad views on the site! In this regard, the struggle for such positions is fierce.

    This implies:

    Plus: getting into the TOP for a high-frequency query gives a large increase in new visitors.

    Minus: the cost of promotion is much higher than for medium-frequency or low-frequency queries due to the large number of applicants.

    How to evaluate high-frequency requests?

    It is necessary to clearly understand which of the high-frequency queries are worth taking into work, and which are not. As a rule, it makes no sense to try to promote your site for those requests that are clearly related to some other existing popular resource. For example, they contain the names of a search engine or a competitor company.

    Website promotion for high-frequency queries

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    A feature of promotion for high-frequency queries is a lot of competition for places in the TOP of search results. That is why the process is not fast and takes on average about 8-12 months. Full-fledged work on the site in the process of this, as a rule, allows you to gradually collect new visitors in parallel for other types of requests – low-frequency and medium-frequency. But all this will take time and effort.

    Search engines have low trust in young sites, so it makes no sense to promote new projects for high-frequency queries. Work with them must begin with low-frequency and mid-frequency.

    To advance on high-frequency queries, you will need not only work with the resource itself, but also regular competent building up of the reference mass. You need to carefully select donor sites and follow the information that will be on the page with a link to your resource. All of this takes a lot of time and money.

    Is it worth it to promote a site for high-frequency keywords?

    If you need the benefits of SEO promotion in the first months after the launch of the site, then the best choice would be to promote it for low and mid-frequency queries. This will give the first spurt for growth and will allow you to get 300 or more visitors per day in the next six months. The exact number of audience depends on the subject and direction of the project: commercial resources have much fewer visitors than informational resources of the same subject.

    To promote a site for high-frequency queries, internal optimization and link building are not enough. It will require a full-fledged article promotion, increasing the trust of the site with search engines, working with behavioral factors, usability, etc.

    Analysis of keyword searches by brand in Russian to expand semantics for a professional cosmetics website in Ukraine

    Task: to analyze whether brands (see the list below) are searched for in Russian spelling. If they are looking for, is it worth adding them to the semantics and registering them in meta tags?

    1 list:

    • Freihout;
    • Renaissance;
    • Leonardo.

    Results for Yandex and Google:

    продвижение по высокочастотным запросам

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    Conclusion: It makes no sense to rank for high-frequency keywords that are only one word long.

    The main task of including keywords in the semantics and implementation of keywords on the site is to attract targeted visitors. Users who search for “leonardo da vinci”, “leonardo paintings” are clearly not the target audience of a professional cosmetics site.

    Adding irrelevant keywords to the site (i.e. those key phrases that do not fully correspond to the content of the site page) can spoil the behavioral factors. The bounce rate may increase. As a result, the search engine may lower the site in the search results.

    2 list. Phrases in Russian, but with the clarification that we are talking about cosmetics.

    • Cosmetics Freihout
    • Fillers Leonardo
    • Cosmetics Renaissance
    • Preparations Renaissance
    • Meso Renaissance
    • Peelings Renaissance
    • Peelings of Caravaggio

    Results for Yandex and Google:

    продвижение сайта по высокочастотным запросам

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    Conclusion: The screenshots above show that there is no request. Neither Google nor Yandex. Therefore, if we start from the search rates, it is not recommended to add these keywords in Russian to the semantics and to the site in meta tags.

    In addition, the search engine still understands queries in Russian and returns results in English. Examples are in the screenshot below.

    продвижение сайта по высокочастотным запросам 6

    General conclusion: on the results page, you can see the lack of writing brands in Russian in the Title (header). Accordingly, at this stage, these queries should not be taken into semantics and written in meta tags on the site.

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