Is it possible to run a big business without a CRM system?

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    CRM-system is a modern business project management tool that has a number of advantages and features. Through the use of such a system, sales are significantly increased, which can be controlled and managed.

    crm система для бизнеса

    The main tasks for which a CRM system is implemented in a business project are:

    1. Tracking each potential and real client in order to prevent his loss.
    2. Leading customers through the sales funnel.
    3. Drawing up a portrait of each of the customers, for which you just need to fill out the appropriate cards, through which you can find out who makes purchases in the store more often, in which regions this or that product is in demand, or which of the customers’ checks are above average.
    4. Improving the effectiveness of company managers several times at once, provided that the CRM system is properly configured.

    The need to implement an automated control system is obvious if:

    1. There are a large number of applications.
    2. Managers don’t get the job done.
    3. There are conflicts with clients.
    4. There is no way to track the dynamics of calls.

    A CRM system implemented in advance will allow you to avoid difficulties and make it possible to fully appreciate the advantages of its use, such as:

    1. High quality work with each client.
    2. Strong profit growth of at least 30%.
    3. Complete automation of processes such as sending invoices, compiling documentation and other time-consuming operations.
    4. Ability to control every workflow.

    The main functions of the CRM automated business management system are:

    1. Monitoring the activities of each employee at any stage of work without the need to stand behind the manager and observe his actions.
    2. Tracking statistics in automatic mode.
    3. No need to work with a large number of papers. Using the CRM system, the time spent on drafting the contract will be no more than ten minutes.
    4. Error detection is an option with which you can easily identify the bottlenecks of the trading funnel and expand them in time.
    5. Listening to telephone conversations, due to close interaction with IP-telephony.
    6. The ability to create group tasks by compiling common scripts and an algorithm of actions that can be used by all managers of the company.

    On the official website of SRMIndex, you can not only get acquainted with the available systems, but also find a specialist who will perform all the necessary steps for implementation.

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