How to start creating a business profile on Instagram?

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    Instagram has further solidified its status as the leading platform for businesses. The developers of the social network are actively improving it, making it even more convenient for sales. In addition to the existing opportunities to create a business account and fill in the “Products” tab, the “Shop” section has recently been added.

    If you have long understood all the advantages of working on Instagram, but did not know where to start, then we suggest registering a business account and proceeding with page design according to the following instructions:

    Step 1. Choose a nickname for your account

    Choosing a nickname is the most important step. The nickname should be simple and understandable, well remembered by customers. Do not use incomprehensible combinations of letters and more than two words. It is highly likely that a potential client may make a mistake when entering your nickname in a search engine and go to your competitors. You can be creative, but don’t over complicate. Indicate in the nickname what you do with the second word. If your brand has a name, please include it. You can add the city in which you work in the name, but use generally accepted abbreviations.

    Step 2. We select an avatar

    If you have a logo, then creating an avatar will not be a difficult task. The main thing to remember is that the avatar must be of high quality, the client must understand what is shown. After all, an avatar is the face of your account.

    Step 3. Fill in the bio-profile

    Био профиля в Инстаграм

    The profile description should be clear to your target audience. Due to the 180 character limit, information must be placed as concisely as possible. Use emoticons for shortening, don’t forget about paragraphs. To save paragraphs when transferring text to Instagram, you can use the Telegram bot @text4instabot. Describe what you do, briefly you can specify a list of goods. You can add an actual offer to attract a client. Specify hashtags: your brand name, relevant tags on the topic and popular among the target audience.

    In the Website section, provide a link to your website. If this is not the case, then you can place a multilink with all contacts. You can read more about the functionality of such services and what a multilink is in this review.

    Step 4. Designing relevant stories

    Frequently requested information can be placed in actual stories. Price, addresses, reviews, catalog of goods / services, list of personnel – the main thing that is posted by selling accounts. Feel free to get creative, but don’t overload this section too much. According to the captions to the stories, the client should immediately understand what this or that category is dedicated to. Name them concisely and clearly. For the cover of current stories, the same requirements as for the account avatar.

    Once you’ve completed the steps above, take a look at your profile. Do you like it? Does it convey your uniqueness? Does it convey what you want to say about yourself? It is not necessary to create an account according to the proposed template. It can also serve as a guide to avoiding blunders (By the way, this guide can be used not only by novice users). If everything suits you, then you can safely proceed to work on content.

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