The structure of the selling text: writing advertising texts for business

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    Trust is the first path to sales. If a client trusts you, he will be more inclined to buy something from you internally.

    Texts on the Internet help search engines to correctly determine which user request to attribute this or that page of the site to, they can help users make a choice, and they can help businesses sell. But not every ad text really helps to do all of the above.

    Features of terminology

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    In the context of this and subsequent articles, the term “selling text” will only refer to one that leads to an immediate action. It can be anything: buy, call, register, download, click, reply to a letter.

    The question that interests many businessmen and entrepreneurs when they begin to attract their first customers with the help of selling texts is something like this: “Do I need to write special text when conducting a free webinar, or, for example, when conducting a promotion when we distribute free products?”

    The unequivocal answer to this question is “Yes”.

    Why? Because your main goal is to sell. Even if there is no fixed price yet, it is not at all discussed directly at the free webinar or during the promotional campaign.

    The first step to selling is to create visibility for the product or service. By doing this, you build a stable stream of customers for further work. That is, first you need to arouse the interest of the target audience in the product or service itself, and then start selling it. This method marketers call two-stage sales, it is great for new players in the market for goods or services.

    The first stage of the sale is a verbal presentation or free giveaway of things to try in your product or service. In “gratitude” for this, new potential customers give contact information – phone or e-mail. The second stage of the sale is directly the offer of a mutually beneficial deal or subsequent long-term cooperation. The first part or step is more in the area of competence of marketers and copywriters, the second – “salespeople”, they work directly with the client, bringing profit to your company.

    The structure of the selling text or what to sell in the text?

    Product or service. Selling in the text should not be directly a product or service, but those benefits that the buyer will receive. Despite this, most of the description, about 70-80%, will be devoted specifically to your product – product or service.

    Price. You should not forget about the sale of the “price”. In the text, this part is about 15% of the total amount of information for the client. You will need to justify why such a price is compared to the price of competitors for similar products or services. For example, it might cost $15 for a competitor and $20 for you. Your task is to correctly answer the client’s question: “Why?”. It should be noted that the price, of course, is an important, but not the most important factor motivating a person to buy. This should also not be forgotten when writing an advertising article.

    Action. The text should “sell” the action. Keep in mind that even a cursory glance at a product or service information page should result in something that can lead directly to a sale in the future. About 5% of the total text volume is allocated for this “sale of action”. Those. the task of the author (as a rule, this is a copywriter) is to push a person to take a certain action.

    How many words do you need to convince a client?

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    In general, it becomes clear that all designated positions or parts of the future text will be 100%. But this does not answer the question: “What is the optimal volume for a selling text?”. The thing is that there is no specific number. It depends on a lot of things:

    • features of the target audience;
    • goods or services;
    • where the text will be placed.

    For example, professional copywriters are hired to write ads for contextual advertising. The thing is that the slogan used should make a person want to click on it, otherwise all the costs of the business owner and the efforts of the contextual advertising specialist will be wasted. The cost of one click, in turn, depends on the CTR, that is, the click-through rate of an ad: the more often users click on it, the cheaper it ends up for one click. A person who deals with contextual advertising and sets it up, orders texts and slogans with a certain number of characters, specifying the maximum length. This is due to the fact that it will be technically impossible to insert a larger number. The title length is 60 characters, the remaining ad text is up to 180 characters.

    In the B2B segment, the text usually spans several pages. Often, entire brochures are specially created for printing with subsequent delivery to potential customers or partners by letters or courier delivery. They are also distributed at exhibitions, presentations, business meetings. Having a color sales brochure for some types of business is a vital thing that helps to communicate the company’s seriousness to its potential customers and partners.

    Commercial offers are also quite voluminous texts. Typically up to two printed pages. If you want to enhance the commercial offer with pictures, graphs, etc., it is better to do this in the application, indicating information about this in the main part, i.e. make a text link. Also in the applications indicate the calculation of the cost, return on investment, and so on. Such a format for presenting information is associated, first of all, with saving time for reading the sent text.

    Writing an advertising text in terms of volume will differ depending on what audience it is intended for. In another article, we will talk about the main types of target audience in more detail. Now it is worth noting only the very fact of the difference in the presentation of information for a hot, warm, cold or frozen audience. For example, if the audience is cold, i.e. people in it know nothing about your product, then the text should describe the product or service in detail. If it’s a hot audience, ie. is aimed at people who know everything about the product or service and your company, then a small accompanying text will suffice, where the main offer will appear, for example, the terms of the promotion.

    Large volumes of advertising articles, as well as small ones, are normal, it all depends on the conditions and the specific situation.

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