Top services to protect against click-throughs of contextual advertising

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    Click-through is another negative factor that, in addition to incorrectly configured targeting and incorrect keywords, significantly reduces the effectiveness of contextual advertising. It represents a “click” on an ad that has no conversion basis, that is, the action is not intentional. As a rule, it can be done by a real user out of malicious intent or erroneously by delusion, or by special programs. Reliable protection against clicks is a prerequisite for an effective advertising campaign against the actions of competitors; it can be implemented using special services.

    Click protection: the best services


    защита от кликфрода

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    Software that detects and eliminates clicks. The service protects not only Google Ads, but also Bing users. Software developers provide the most advanced algorithms to eliminate negative clickford, which makes the advertising campaign of entrepreneurs more effective.

    One of the advantages of ClickCease is its independence from any search engine, since the creators of the service position it as a separate software. Ideal for medium and small Google Ads accounts.

    It integrates perfectly with the CMS of almost any site. The developers provide a period of free use for seven days. The cost is calculated by the traffic to the site, the owner of which conducts a marketing campaign.


    защита от скликивания

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    The service prevents clickford in Google Adwords (now Google Ads), provides protection against any type of unwanted clicks. As a result, advertisers are able to protect their paid traffic, which prevents unnecessary costs.

    Benefits of the ClickGUARD service:

    • advanced service on a modern platform;
    • service employees carry out remote work around the world, protection takes place in the “here and now” mode;
    • clicks are prevented by innovative technologies.

    Thanks to the ClickGUARD service, advertising in Google Ads is always reliably protected from the negative actions of competitors. It can be installed on the cloud, as well as web and SAS. Offers users a free period for 7 days, which will allow you to connect 3 accounts at once with continuous processing of up to 5000 clicks. The paid period of the service fits well into the average budget and is about $60 per month.


    защита от скликивания adwords

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    A service that prevents clickford in Google Ads. Blocks even contextual advertising from the following negative impact:

    • bots;
    • competitive clicks;
    • clicks made by accident;
    • click farms;
    • fraud tactics of an unknown nature.

    Installation on web, cloud and SAS is possible. Easily integrated with many platforms, including WordPress. One of the features of the service is the presence of a free package that offers an infinite number of transactions, provided that about $ 2,500 per month was spent on advertising.

    The service also has some disadvantages: for example, the inability to block IP immediately after detection. Also, TrafficGuard does not allow you to connect multiple domains and provide access to multiple users.


    защита от скликивания рекламы

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    The service continuously monitors the traffic of a running advertising campaign. The developers offer the following ClickFrog features:

    • monitoring in Google Ads;
    • constant tracking of the advertising campaign;
    • integration with almost all common engines, including self-written CMS with the purchase of the code installation function;
    • user-friendly interface, which provides for the formation of detailed reporting on protection.

    Among the shortcomings of the service is the lack of a free period for reviewing and studying the functionality. The user receives an instant notification about any suspicious activity.


    защита от скликивания яндекс

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    The BotFAQtor service provides multifaceted protection by preventing clickford. It performs three main tasks:

    1. Blocking inappropriate traffic that does not bring a useful conversion.
    2. Disabling the display of real-time ads when recognizing the activity of bots and clickers in Google Ads.
    3. Implementation of automatic protection of advertising campaigns in search and on the network.

    There are 5 convenient features in the BotFAQtor reserve for users, thanks to which ads receive protection from clicks:

    • antibot, the main function of which is to protect the site;
    • Google Ads click protection;
    • banner protection;
    • reduction in the number of links.

    You can install BotFAQtor on the cloud, which significantly reduces space. Users are given a free trial period of 7 days.

    The service allows you to block almost any inappropriate traffic in Google Ads. Among its significant drawbacks is the inability to generate a white list of IP addresses.


    антифрод система

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    The platform includes two areas:

    • antifraud system,
    • Brand protection.

    Antifraud system:

    • Traffic monitoring for populating cookies, deleting cookies and toolbars. Needed to detect fraud
    • Analysis of the stages of entry of a traffic source into the funnel. Needed to identify spurious and inefficient channels
    • Cohort analysis of audience behavior after intermediate and/or final conversions. Required to determine the quality of the source audience and create an optimal budget distribution.
    • Checking the Existence of User Email Addresses Online

    Brand protection:

    • Monitor search results by quantity and quality of brand mentions. Competitive analysis.
    • Search for brand mentions in external advertising and resources.
    • Automatic notification of search engines and hosting providers about found scammers.
    • Monitoring mailing lists for brand mentions in spam messages.
    • Monitoring search results of fake websites.
    • Monitor competitor search results to identify growth points.
    • Monitor search results to identify CPA channels that buy banned keywords.

    What are the criteria for choosing a click fraud protection service?

    When choosing a service for click protection, it is important to pay attention to the following nuances:

    1. Functional. It is on him that the capabilities of the service and the safety of launched advertising from the harm of competitors depend.
    2. Price. It is advisable to make a choice in favor of certain packages, so as not to overpay for unnecessary services.
    3. The presence of a free period, which will allow you to get acquainted with the functionality of the service.

    Do not forget about such a moment as integration. Only high-quality interaction between the software and the contextual advertising service will create reliable protection against clicks.

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