Spell Wrong, Then Correct: Top 10 Free Online Spell Checkers (Russian language)

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    There is nothing wrong with writing with errors. It is strange and incomprehensible when these errors are not corrected, if there is such a possibility. Especially in business and official correspondence, documents and other important papers. Moreover, there are dozens of convenient and simple online spelling and punctuation check services for this. This is convenient, since most of the correspondence and documentation is now in electronic form.

    10 Best Free Online Spell Checkers


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    OnlineCorrector automatically searches for and corrects errors in Ukrainian. Designed to automatically correct or highlight various types of errors in texts in Ukrainian. All corrections made can be highlighted with a special color, and possible errors that require the attention of a human proofreader will be highlighted and commented as URL links.


    One of the convenient free services that is available in online and offline versions is Orfo. You can download or use the online check here: http://online.orfo.ru/.

    Misspelled words are underlined in red. As in the Word text editor, if the correct language pack is installed and automatic spell checking is enabled. When you click on an underlined word, the program prompts you to correct it:

    сервис для проверки правописания

    Orfo-online checks not only grammar, but also punctuation. Follows the vocabulary and logic of the text. Of course, the program is not perfect, as the Russian language is very difficult. It cannot replace a qualified editor, but it will correct most mistakes, especially in spelling.

    In the offline version of the Orfo program, there is additionally hyphenation in the text, auto-correction and inserting the letter “ё”, where it was forgotten.


    Spelling is a convenient free online program that allows you to check the spelling of not only the entered text, but also the text component on certain web pages. The downside is that it does not offer the correct spelling options – you will have to correct your mistakes yourself:

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    In the case of spell checking on the site, the result is similar – words unknown to the dictionary are simply highlighted in yellow.


    One of the long-known programs for spell checking on the Russian-speaking Internet is Meta. Supports three languages. It can not only check for errors, but also translate the text into another language. After checking, it offers the correct options for writing where the program found errors:

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    On the website for online translations PerevodSpell, the service provides users with the opportunity to first check their text in Russian for errors:

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    PerevodSpell automatically changes the words to the correct ones, but if this was not necessary, then you can return the original version by clicking on the words in the upper right corner. Then from the bottom window you can immediately copy the correct text for later use to go directly to its translation into another language.

    The program does not correct punctuation and style, only the correct spelling of words. When used, a large amount of banner advertising on the portal is a bit annoying.


    Text.ru is better known as an online service for checking the uniqueness of text. However, after it is launched, spell checking usually occurs at the same time. If you don’t need to check for uniqueness, you can only do a spell check. Additionally, users may be interested in a dictionary of synonyms and SEO text analysis:

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    Words that are spelled incorrectly are highlighted in red. The program itself selects the correct options and offers them after clicking. The service is convenient for searching for double spaces, replacing characters, unpaired brackets, and removing repetitions. It also checks punctuation and syntax, but does not replace an editor or proofreader. All texts can be saved so that they are available via a link to other users.


    The Advego content exchange has a good free online text checker. Its big plus is multilingualism. 20 language dictionaries are already included in the program. The check is quick, there is a suggestion for the correct spelling:

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    The disadvantage of Advego is that the program only checks spelling. Punctuation, semantics, style and typography cannot be checked here.


    Online spelling checker in Spelling is an opportunity not only to correct mistakes, but also to improve your literacy level, since when you highlight the wrong word on the side, a rule appears:

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    It is stated that the program helps to check spelling, punctuation, typography, style and semantics. But in practice, it sometimes happens that Spelling does not notice some errors. This does not prevent the program from being one of the best tools for checking texts.

    Since 2016, Spelling has ceased to be a completely free service. Now checks over 500 characters have become paid.


    The LanguageTool online checking service looks for grammatical, stylistic and punctuation errors:

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    The program offers the right options. It has the ability to check 30 languages.

    A big plus of LanguageTool is that there is an extension for the most popular browsers that allows you to work without going to the site. After downloading and installing it, just select the text and click on the program icon:

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    Speller from Yandex

    Yandex.Speller helps to check websites or text in Russian, English and Ukrainian for errors:

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    The interface is clear and convenient. There are options for fixing it. Visually, the service is very similar to spell check in Word. If you have problems with punctuation, Speller won’t help you fix them.

    To check web documents, you will need to work on the site code. Not everyone will like this option.


    The 5-ege.ru service was created to prepare for the exam, but it can be used for any texts online.

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    The check is really fast, the program suggests the correct spellings of the words on top of the text, which is a bit confusing. The portal also has an online punctuation checker, but this is more of a service for finding the right rule and rechecking yourself than a full-fledged text checker. It will be useful to improve the level of literacy:

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    If it seems to you that you know the rules of the Russian language perfectly, this does not guarantee that you cannot have typos or even errors with some difficult words. Therefore, use programs to check your texts before publishing, printing or other use, so that you do not blush for mistakes later.

    Telegram bots for checking punctuation and spelling

    Correct spelling and spell checking in the Ukrainian language play an important role in the creation of texts and communication. Various tools exist to ensure text is correct and language is used correctly, including punctuation bots and online proofreaders.

    Examples of such bots:

    • For Ukrainian — @correctbot
    • For Russian. — @iqp_check_bot

    Ukrainian online proofreaders and spell checkers offer automatic spell checking of sentences and texts. They detect and correct errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Such tools can be useful for students, writers, journalists and anyone who cares about the correctness of the text.

    In addition, punctuation and correctness bots also provide the ability to automatically check text messages and sentences for language compliance. These bots can be used in instant messengers and online platforms to quickly and easily check texts for correctness and accuracy.

    Using such tools, such as online proofreaders, punctuation and spelling bots, you can significantly improve the quality of writing texts in Russian and Ukrainian and ensure the correctness and readability of messages and materials.


    What are some spell checking apps?

    You can use apps like Timeler, SpellUp, ProwritingAid to check spelling. These applications help to detect and correct spelling errors in texts.

    What apps check commas online?

    To check commas online, you can use applications such as Comma Checker, Grammar Online, etc. They analyze texts and highlight places where you need to add or change commas in accordance with grammar rules. These applications help facilitate the process of correct punctuation in texts.

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