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    фельетон в контент-маркетингеNow Facebook is testing a feature – it marks fake news with the tag #satire. Today I want to talk about such, in my opinion, now underestimated genre of content marketing, as a feuilleton. And yes, all these genres are used not only in fiction, but also in journalism (as an example, the sensational magazine The Onion).

    Cooking feuilleton at home

    In the feuilleton, topical facts and events are promptly depicted with the help of satire and humor, and have a sharp critical focus. Most often, feuilletons are written on political, social, and other topics with sharp, topical criticism. The style of writing is characterized by lightness, liveliness and imagery.

    The purpose of the feuilleton is to ridicule the shortcomings and their carriers, to publicly condemn individuals. The author condemns and reveals the shortcomings in a peculiar form, using various literary techniques.

    In a feuilleton

    • to appear fictitious persons, literary heroes;
    • events are described in the form of a diary, dialogue, dream, etc .;
    • fantastic elements are introduced, but the author does not have the right to distort the very fact underlying the feuilleton.

    What should be in a feuilleton? Ingredients

    1. Literary inclusions do not obscure the fact, but emphasize it.
    2. The liveliness of the presentation does not reduce its seriousness.
    3. The text is not loud and vulgar.
    4. It is based on proven, reliable and convincing facts. The author thought about how relevant the topic is, what goal he pursues, how the artistic means that he intends to use will help achieve the goal.

    The art of the feuilleton lies in the ability to combine truthfulness with fiction, to draw a picture, remaining within the actual accuracy. A good feuilleton is witty, riddled with humor and irony. At the same time, it gives a clear picture of what is being described.

    Feuilleton preparation progress

    1. Choosing a theme

    First of all, it is necessary that the feuilleton raises a topical issue for your audience. Not necessarily a funny fact should become a topic.

    2. Selection of facts

    You need to have more facts at your disposal than you need. Analyzing the facts, it is important to understand what is hidden behind them. Choose such to draw the attention of the audience to the problem.

    3. Title

    The purpose of the title is to attract the attention of the reader, to interest him and emphasize the sharp nature of the satirical work.

    4. Tie

    It is necessary to start the feuilleton in an interesting and exciting way and from the first lines to attract the attention of the reader so that he follows the course of events with interest to the end.

    5. Development of action

    After an interesting plot, the author must make sure that the intrigue does not weaken, but becomes more and more tense.

    6. Who is the hero?

    The feuilleton should name the main culprit of the problem. It is necessary to clearly define who the satire is directed against.

    7. Ending

    It is important to end the feuilleton with a bright, memorable sharp phrase. The role of the ending in the feuilleton is great. It should set off the main idea.


    • I found the most excellent example of a feuilleton on Habré – “Usability audit from a true “professional”.

    Remember, using humor in communicating with your audience is a direct path to the memorability, “shareability” of your content.

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