8 steps to tailor your Google Ads ads for the post-holiday lull

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    After the New Year holidays, there is a lull in January with a decline in sales dynamics, so advertising activities need to be adapted during this period.

    First you need to turn off New Year’s announcements, as they are no longer relevant. You can do this by setting dates in advertising campaigns. It is better to do this in advance so as not to forget after the holidays. This will help you save money on unnecessary advertising.

    For these cases, there are special paid automation services, such as K50, which operate on the basis of a given condition. Upon expiration of this condition, the program will perform a certain action, for example, stop showing ads.

    But you can do all this for free using the internal Google Ads tool – Automated Rules.

    You need to go to Bulk Actions → Rules

    Google Ads – Автоматизированные правила

    Step 1. Demand

    Before the onset of January, it is necessary to analyze and find out which goods and services will be popular this month and which are not. To do this, you can use Google Trends, I talked about this tool in more detail in the article “Google Trends for Business: How to Predict Product Demand”. But there are goods for which even without such tools it is possible to determine the dynamics of demand, for example, the demand for Christmas decorations in January will be significantly lower than in December.

    Analytics can help predict demand for less popular products. For example, clothing for animals, which is gaining popularity before the New Year, and in January the demand becomes several times lower.

    In Google Analytics for previous years, you can see statistics on previous advertising campaigns. With the help of this tool, you can understand whether it is necessary to advertise the product further – if demand does not decrease, then it is advisable to advertise.

    So, according to one of the projects, we see that in January, on the contrary, the demand for boxes for sweets increases.

    Шаг 1. Востребованность


    Step 2. Transformation into holiday announcements

    In January, the purchasing power of the population is reduced, as there were big expenses in December, but more free time. In January, you can actively offer discounts to customers in order to sell off last year’s leftovers.

    Шаг 2. Трансформация в праздничные объявления предпраздничных

    Step 3. Quick Links

    Putting quick links in Google Ads allows you to redirect users to certain sections. With the help of Google Analytics, you can identify the areas that are most interesting to users. This method can be used even on one-page sites. In addition, it helps to simplify the search.

    Шаг 3. Быстрые ссылки


    Step 4. Promotions

    A promotion differs from sitelinks in that it is a time-limited and offer-tailored extension.

    The main purpose of promotions is to persuade the visitor to purchase.

    Шаг 4. Промоакции

    Step 5. Adding prices

    With the help of prices, ads are sharpened for certain customers. By specifying a minimum price, you can weed out insolvent customers.

    Prices allow you to create a showcase of products, and the buyer can go to the product page to find out detailed information about it. The faster the path to it, the higher the probability of placing an order for a product.

    Шаг 5. Добавление цен

    Step 6. Holiday hours

    The fact that the business is open at a certain time can be a way to attract the attention of visitors. The words “We work on holidays” immediately catches the eye and attracts the attention of visitors to the site.

    Шаг 6. Режим работы в праздники

    Step 7. Bid Adjustment

    Advertisers place fewer ads in a number of topics, so with a lower budget, you can receive applications. At the same time, rates can be increased for a number of goods/services in January, for example, for ski resorts.

    Step 8. Monitor Site Availability

    There are a number of paid and free services where you can manually enable stopping ads when the site is down – this will help you not to waste money if the site stops working. I described in more detail the reviews of all services in the article – “39 free Internet services to monitor your website downtime.”

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