110 Alternative Search Engines You Should Know About!

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    If someone asks you what search engines you use or know, then most likely you will answer without hesitation: Google, Yandex, Bing, Yahoo. However, the Internet is a huge place where you can find even more search engines that will meet certain user requirements.

    Worldwide search engines

    In this list, we will not consider search engines known to everyone, and therefore you will not see names such as Google, Yandex, Yahoo, Bing in it. The list contains many alternative search engines.

    Всемирная поисковая система

    AOL – AOL provides search results along with content (snippets). This search engine allows you to search for web pages, images and videos, news, and there is also an option for “screening criteria”, i.e. the ability to select a search filter: for all time, 24 hours, a week or a month, indicate the location).

    ScrubTheWeb – Provides organized search results and provides free SEO tools to analyze websites.

    Ecosia is an Internet search engine whose owners allocate 80% of their extra income to tree planting. This system provides a search for websites, images, news, videos, etc.

    MyWebSearch is a search engine that displays Google search results. Allows you to search websites, images and videos, news, online store products, maps and more.

    Teoma is an Internet search engine with its own link popularity algorithm. Allows you to search websites, images and videos, news, recipes, and much more.

    InfoSpace – offers a search engine as well as a search monetization solution (affiliate program). The combined search engine allows you to search for web pages, images and videos, as well as news.

    Giga Blast – Billions of pages long and provides instant and fresh information. This system is designed to search web pages only, but they come with a filter for an advanced type of search.

    Search engines of different countries

    Поисковая система Японии Goo

    Baidu is China’s search engine for searching Internet sites, news, maps, images, audio and video files. It also provides definitions and allows you to search using images. Other search engines in China: Yam, Youdao, Sogou.

    Naver is South Korea’s first Internet portal that allows you to search for Internet sites, definitions, images, news, articles, videos. In addition, this search engine provides other Internet services. Other search engines in South Korea: Nate.

    Goo is a search engine and Internet portal in Japan that is designed primarily for Japanese sites and allows you to search for Internet sites, images, blogs, maps, and even terminological definitions. Other search engines in Japan: Biglobe.

    Rambler is an Internet portal of Russia, providing services such as: search engine, e-mail, news portal, financial portal, etc. It allows users to search internet sites and images, as well as filter options. Other search engines in Russia: Search Mail.ru, Sputnik.

    Seznam is an Internet portal and search engine of the Czech Republic. Allows you to view web pages, maps, photos and videos, terminological explanations, products and more.

    SAPO (Servidor de Apontadores Portugueses) is a service provider in Portugal. It includes a search engine that allows you to search Internet sites, images and videos, news and blogs.

    Virgilio is an Italian Internet portal and search engine that allows users to search for websites, images and videos, companies and maps. Other Italian search engines: Libero.

    Walla is Israel’s Internet portal providing news, search and e-mail services. This portal searches for websites, photographs, vacancies, goods in online stores, and so on.

    Diri is an Internet portal in Bulgaria that provides search, news and other services. Allows you to search for websites, term descriptions, airline flights, blogs, music, videos, and more.

    Search is a Swiss search engine and internet portal providing weather forecasts, maps, movies and other services.

    Najdi is a search engine designed specifically for Macedonia. Unlike most search engines, it is not designed to view the content of Internet sites, using RSS sources or other XML files instead.

    Search Nigeria (closed) is an online portal and search engine for Nigeria. Allows you to search for web pages, images and videos, news, blogs, and more.

    Das Oertliche is an internet portal and local directory in Germany that allows its users to locate themselves using mobile numbers, names or street names.

    Ukr.net is an Internet portal, the most popular site in Ukraine in 2014 with a search function.

    Search engines for kids

    Поисковая система для детей KidRex

    The search engines below are intended for children under the age of majority.

    • KidRex
    • kiddle
    • SafeSearch for Kids
    • Kids.gov
    • KidsClick!

    Social media search engines

    Поисковая система социальных сетей Social Searcher

    Social Mention – search for mentions in the media and track social trends.

    IceRocket – search for blogs and social networks.

    Websta – Search Instagram for Instagram tags, other users’ wall accounts, and more.

    Social Seeking – search through social networks and media channels such as: Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo and others.

    Social Searcher – search for public information in social networks such as: Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc.

    Pixnet is an online network service that allows you to share photos over the Internet via your mobile phone. Provides a search for information in the public domain, including records on the Internet, images, and more.

    Photo and Image Search Engines

    Поисковая система фотографий и изображений TinEye

    Iconfinder is a free database and search engine and exclusive icons.

    Image Search – Search photos for Facebook, Flickr, Zooomr, MySpace, Photobucket, Corbis and more.

    TinEye is a reverse image search that allows you to search for images using images.

    Picsearch is an image search engine on the Internet.

    Twixy is a Twitter photo search engine.

    Spezify – search for images on social networks such as: Instagram, Facebook, etc.

    Reference search engines

    Справочная поисковаясистема WolframAlpha

    Ask is a public search engine that allows you to find websites, images, videos and news. You can also ask questions and get instant answers.

    eHow is one of the oldest online question and answer sites that provides an opportunity to find information on any subject – from decorative elements of the house to varieties of dishes, from the financial system to jurisdiction.

    Answers is a Q&A system and community that allows people to ask specific questions and search for answers.

    Wolfram Alpha is a computational fact-finding reference and search engine that finds relevant images, performs calculations, and many other functions.

    ChaCha is a search engine powered by user activity. It provides detailed answers to any question posed in real time through the Internet site. It also allows you to share images and ask questions online.

    Quora is a Q&A site that helps you find the right advice or get an instructive lesson from people who have valuable life experience.

    Yandex.Q is a relatively young Russian question and answer service. A community of people, some of whom are looking for information, and some have prof. knowledge and experience to answer questions correctly.

    Answers@Mail.ru is a Russian question and answer site with a system of points and ratings for participants.

    Private search engines

    Приватная поисковая система Qwant

    DuckDuckGo is a search engine that aims to protect user privacy. It allows you to search Internet sites, images and videos, definitions and terms, etc.

    Qwant is a French anonymous internet search engine. This system denies any kind of spying on users, providing them with the search for Internet sites, images and videos, news, etc.

    Startpage is a search engine from Google that ensures the security and privacy of users. Allows you to search for web pages, images, videos, and more.

    Other private search engines: Lukol, Privatelee.

    Metasearch engines

    Метапоисковая система Dogpile

    Dogpile – associated with Google, Yandex and Yahoo.

    Nigma is an innovative Russian metasearch engine (shut down in 2017).

    OpenText – has a connection with Google, Bing and others.

    Fagan Finder is a search engine with the ability to select the search engine and category of interest.

    Other metasearch engines: WebCrawler, ZapMeta, Excite, Yippy.

    People Search Engines

    Поисковая система поиска людей Pipl

    Spokeo – collects all data from online and offline sources and allows you to search using name, email, contact phone number or address.

    Pipl is a search for information about people that cannot be found through regular search engines, namely username, phone number and email.

    PeekYou – Recognizes people from different social networks by name, email, phone number, address, location, etc.

    Vebidoo – displays public information about people and allows you to find out their name, location, etc. (Germany).

    Spysee, Japan’s newest people search engine focused on social media, is currently closed.

    News search engines

    Поисковая система новостей YouGotTheNews

    • Digg is a news aggregator and repository.
    • YouGotTheNews is a US news and article search engine.
    • NewsLookup – Find the latest news around the world.
    • Elephind is a historical news search engine.
    • NewsLibrary is a search engine for finding facts and news.

    Search engines for blogs

    Поисковая система для блогов BlogSearchEngine

    Below is a list of niche search engines for blogs based on their categories.

    • Blog search
    • Blog Search Engine
    • Twingly Blog Search
    • Find Blogs

    Other search engines

    Поисковая система FoodBlogSearch

    DMOZ (closed) is a multilingual open directory on the Internet. It uses a hierarchical ontological scheme for listing a site and allows you to search for websites.

    FoodBlogSearch is a recipe search engine linked to Google Custom Search. Allows you to find more than 1000 recipes in blogs and sites throughout the Internet.

    Swoogle – performs semantic web searches for documents, terms and information published on the Internet. Unlike other search engines, it has a specialized nature.

    SimilarSiteSearch – Helps you find similar, similar or alternative websites for you.

    Shodan is a search engine that allows users to find devices (computers, routers, servers, etc.) that have Internet access. It collects data mainly from social servers.

    Blackle – functions with Google Custom Search, saves energy by displaying a dark background. Allows users to search for web pages and images.

    Blinkx is a media platform with over 35 million hours of video watched. Allows you to search for videos by category.

    NerdyData is a search engine that allows programming enthusiasts to search for technologies, languages, libraries, and more.

    SearchCode is a documentation search engine that provides programmers with the ability to search for functions or code snippets.

    Open HUB Code Search is a search engine for code developers that allows programmers to search for relevant public code, functions, and more.

    Polyvore is a community driven social commerce website. Allows you to find out the latest news of fashion and beauty trends.

    Yummly is an extensive gourmet search engine library. Allows you to discover and explore cooking recipes available in different categories (even by season).

    Pronto is a product and price comparison service that allows you to find the products you need among a variety of retailers and shops. An analogue of Ukrainian / Russian price aggregators, such as Yandex.Market.

    Discounto – allows users to find and purchase discounts, as well as receive great deals from various retailers and local store owners. It also notifies you about the latest and expected offers. An analogue of “discount” services, which are presented in the widest range in the CIS, for example, Skidochnik (discount aggregator in Ukraine), Kuponika (Russia).

    AZLyrics is a lyric portal, a search engine aimed at finding lyrics using a phrase, song, album title, showing the lyrics of your favorite song.

    AnooX is a search engine based social network. Unlike many other search engines, it uses the ranking of people.

    OneLook is a search engine for words and phrases. Allows you to find words and their meanings in more than 1000 dictionaries and is capable of reproducing them.

    GoodSearch is an online webshop with a search engine that helps you find trades and discount coupons from merchants. You are given a part of the purchase amount of the product that you find and purchase in GoodSearch. An analogue of services implemented on the principle of cashback, which are presented in Ukraine – PayBack, Russia – Letyshops.ru.

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