Product photography of shoes for a catalog or Instagram account

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    What rules should be used for commercial shoe photography for an online store catalog or for filling an Instagram account?

    Product shooting of shoes in the catalog

    First. The photo should be as close as possible to the actual product.

    The first impression is the most important. But it shouldn’t be pretentious. A photograph with a reasonable measure of processing, correctly selected color resolution encourages the buyer to pay attention to the merits of the product.

    Предметная съемка обуви в каталог


    Second. Don’t be afraid to use additional accessories.

    To get a non-standard picture, you can take various items that will increase the interest of the buyer, but, in no case, will not distract from the product itself. Especially this rule should be used for shooting for Instagram.

    фотосъемка обуви

    Third. The right background is the way to success.

    If we are talking about an online store, then you should opt for a white background. It is this well-known classic that will best concentrate the attention of the buyer.

    Shoe photography with shadow

    In the process of shooting, you will need a white photographic background, backlight. And here you can choose 2 ways:

    1. After taking the photo, lighten the background and leave a shadow from the shoes. This will enhance the sense of reality of the product in front of the buyer.предметная съемка обуви 1
    2. Another option is to remove the shadow using Photoshop. This option will help to focus on the product itself. Both shooting options are good and win-win.
      предметная съемка обуви 2


    If this is the content of an Instagram account, then you can resort to many other backgrounds. The main thing is that the background does not distract attention from the shoes themselves. You can even take a photo in nature. Note that this is not a very sunny day. After all, then the color reality of your product may be distorted.

    Fourth. Delivery of goods from different angles.

    No matter how perfect the general photo is, you still need to take a few more shots. The user of the catalog should be able to visit the virtual store, which means “twisting the product in his hands.” The better the buyer can imagine the type of product, the greater the likelihood that he will buy this product.

    Подача товара с разных ракурсов


    Fifth. Focus on the buyer.

    Orientation to the target audience is an important aspect. If we are talking about women’s shoes, do not forget about the emotional component. If about the male – about the restraint and conciseness of the photo. The psychological aspect plays a role.

    In the first case, do not neglect accessories, playing with color, detailing, playing around with the subject table on which the shooting will be done.

    фотосъемка женской обуви

    With men, you need to pay attention to emphasizing individuality and style. But don’t overdo it either.
    фотосъемка мужской обуви


    Shoe photography with reflection

    In addition to the general rules, the filling of the footwear catalog has several more important nuances. Many choose a photo of shoes with reflection. What is it?

    A certain highlight in the presentation of shoes is the use of reflection in the photo. To obtain such a result, you will need white glossy plastic and the desired setting of light. Plastic is substituted under shoes. The third light source is also sent to receive reflection. As a result of this approach, you will get a rather unusual result.

    Фотосъемка обуви с отражением

    When filling the catalog, do not forget to follow a single style of product presentation. And let your background or lighting angle be different, but this should not affect the overall impression of viewing products. A single line in the presentation of shoes will give a sense of integrity and will not alienate the buyer.

    You can convey all the advantages of shoes. The main thing is to correctly use all the means available to you.

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