Why is it impossible to promote under two search engines?

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    They say that in practice it is difficult to be good for everyone, to sit on two chairs and cross white roses with black toads. This is folk wisdom and it is fair not only to people, but also to search engines. Is it possible to become a psychologist, acrobat, biologist, seo-specialist and grow simultaneously in two search engines – this is the article.
    Что лучше google или яндекс

    Yandex and Google solve one problem – they rank sites so that the user receives high-quality content. Naturally, the developers at the same time have their own small gesheft. For example, Google is one of the most successful and richest companies in the world. Yandex is inferior to him, but also well done.

    However, there are cardinal differences in the ranking factors, and, accordingly, in the issuance priorities. Let’s take everything in order.

    Yandex vs Google, where, according to statistics, which search engine is used more often and why?

    Let’s start with the appearance and logic. Google has a minimalistic design. The emphasis is on the search line – and this is understandable, because the user comes here for information. Then you can open anything, but we start from scratch.

    Yandex by default offers a lot of everything, useful and not very useful. By typing yandex.ru in the search box, we get to a shopping center or hypermarket, where there is a cinema, art gallery, disco club, newspapers, news and whatever. In this, the search engine resembles a hodgepodge of catalogs from the late nineties – early zero. At that time, the search algorithms were quite primitive, it was easier to click on the icon than to wait for the system to find something specific.

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    Of course, you can use the abbreviated address ya.ru and go to the same search line without bells and whistles, but here it is important how the developers position their main resource – that’s the whole point.

    One gets the impression that Google is less noisy and intrusive in terms of recommending what and how to watch the user. Naturally, this does not apply to the search results itself, because anyway we will open only what is in the system. And the closer the offer is to the TOP, the more visitors will pay attention to it.

    Conclusion – it seems that Google is more democratic and less intrusive.

    Number of users

    According to various data, the Google audience is from 35 to 45% of Runet visitors, against 50% for Yandex. It so happened historically that Google appeared in the USA, later began to work in the Russian-speaking segment of the network. Yandex is a Russian project that overtook Rambler in 2001 and has since been the leader in terms of the number of users.

    Search engine ranking features

    The developers do not disclose the specifics of the algorithms by which the ranking takes place. Representatives of both companies say that you just need to make quality content and luck will not bypass you. To the clarifying question – what is quality content? give vague answers, saying that these are texts, photos and videos that people like and are useful. But in order for the audience to be able to evaluate the material, it is necessary that it be given out by the search. This brings us back to the question of how the system evaluates and prioritizes material.

    Recently, the well-known analyst Ashmanov boasted that his laboratory was studying 600 ranking factors using indirect data. Back in 2013, another specialist Brian Dean (Brian Dean) wrote about 205 Google parameters. At the same time, they talk about 800 Yandex parameters. Because of them, it develops noticeably slower in terms of updates and does not index and rank sites as quickly.

    SEO specialist and blogger Sergey Koksharov wrote a couple of years ago that he was conducting an experiment – the key went to the TOP of Google, with good luck, in two weeks. Yandex spends 3-4 months on the same procedure. This important point must be considered when drawing up a plan for website promotion.

    Next, we will consider the most relevant points that you need to pay attention to when promoting.

    Age factor

    Yandex and Google trust old sites more. Practice shows that the first months of a page’s life rarely get to the top positions of the search results (especially for high-frequency ones), but after 3-6 months there is a sharp jump. The site is on the mend, growing well and gaining weight. It is important that in this comparison of Yandex and Google, the second is more democratic.

    An analysis of the results of sites on demand shows that the patriarchal Yandex tends to increase the position of a young site in low-frequency queries faster than Google, but it is very reluctant to raise high-frequency queries.

    Regional promotion and geotargeting

    Yandex is geo-dependent, when planning promotion, it is necessary to think over a strategy and conduct an analysis in specific areas. Region is the most important ranking factor for this search engine. It is registered in the Webmaster and the system constantly uses this information. It is also recommended to use the names of cities and towns in the content and meta tags.

    Google is a globalist by nature – less sensitive to regions. When ranking, pays attention to the domain, toponyms and server location. The same resource can be in the top throughout the state.

    Выбор региона сайта в Яндекс.Вебмастер

    When developing a promotion plan for Yandex, be sure to analyze the niche in your region, because this is where you will have to advance.

    Behavior factor

    Popularity is everything. If users visit the page and read the material, Google and Yandex will actively raise it in the search results. But there are differences. When answering the question of which is better than Google or Yandex, it must be said that the latter is more sensitive to the behavioral factor of visitors on the pages of the site, while Google considers user actions in the issuance to be a priority.

    Commercial ranking factors

    Commercial factors are the most important element of promoting online stores. They allow you to evaluate how convenient it is for the user to make purchases, how things are with the service, support, and other important points of e-commerce.

    Here is a table of priorities for commercial factors in Yandex:

    Коммерческие факторы ранжирования сайта

    But that’s not all, they also play an important role:

    • contacts of representative offices and branches, preferably with cartographic data;
    • the possibility of pre-order;
    • notifications about status changes and on sale;
    • one-click purchase and convenient payments;
    • guarantees;
    • promotions and discounts;
    • brand citation;
    • integration with social networks;
    • no third party advertising.

    Yandex developers declaratively consider these factors to be a priority, Google pays less attention to user convenience, insisting on the importance of other things. Here is the priority table of this search engine (version by Semrush):

    Таблица приоритетов ранжирования сайта

    When planning promotion for Yandex, carefully analyze the commercial factors of competitors and do better.

    Search queries, semantics and specifics of search results

    The philosophy of Google and Yandex is noticeably different: “what is good for a Russian is death for a German” – and vice versa. Search engines see user priorities differently. In the example below, the data for the query “sewing machine”. Yandex out of 7 results has 5 commercial and 2 informational.

    Пример топ 10 в Яндексе

    And here is how a similar query looks like in Google (1st page):

    Пример топ 10 в google

    Google considers this request to be a commercial one, while Yandex “doubts” and offers various options. And Yandex more accurately perceived the wording – 4 results with the key “car” and 3 “car”. Google knows Russian worse, it has only 1 request issued in the correct form. Of course, you can manually set search parameters, but not every user will do this.

    Another example is the “city knife” key (we are talking about small everyday pocket knives). Yandex Wordstat understands what is at stake and provides an adequate list of semantics.

    Поиск запросов в Яндекс Вордстат

    Google only responds to the word “knife” and the general topic.

    Планировщик ключевых слов от Google

    You need to select semantics directly for the search engine, paying attention to the form in which the query is formulated. We recommend checking the main keys additionally. The semantic core for Yandex may not be effective enough for Google and vice versa.


    Copywriting, texts, the percentage of key occurrences – mountains of articles and books have been written around these topics. Calculating the “Formula of Success” is a popular pastime for SEO professionals. Let’s take a look at what content search engines love and what they have in common.

    Definitely texts must be unique. Yandex understands Russian better and checks words for 3 shingles. This means that blocks of 3 words are taken into account. Google analyzes 7 shingles, more words – more options. It is easier to please the second one, because it is much easier to raise uniqueness in a 7-word construction.

    Yandex is much stricter about rewriting and low uniqueness. For this, you can generally get under the filter. Google agrees to index any texts, it simply lowers them in the search results; likes to read, the TOP contains texts of 1500-3000 words. While on the first page of Yandex you can often find notes up to 1000.

    It must be said that in recent years, the tastes (algorithms for processing and ranking content) of search engines have improved. Analyzing the material, they highlight the following points:

    • uniqueness (already mentioned);
    • naturalness (readability);
    • text relevance to search queries and meta tags;<
    • the presence of synonyms, close in meaning and thematic words (LSI);
    • percentage of occurrences of keys (without overspam).

    To improve the quality of content, we recommend working out not only the landing pages of categories and subcategories, but also cards of goods and services that were previously paid less attention to.

    Google prefers “modern literature” and Yandex – “classics”. In the sense that Google has a more dynamic indexing algorithm, it responds faster to content updates. This means that the pace of promotion by texts under Google can be faster if we are talking about a not very competitive niche. But there is an important factor – Yandex generally values content higher than Google.

    Google is strict in terms of penalties. The Panda filter, which is “rewarded” for low-quality content, is much more difficult to remove than the AGS, an analogue from Yandex.

    Conclusion: when moving under Yandex, pay more attention to the quality of content, progress is not fast, there is more benefit.

    Meta tags

    Yandex does not like it when the H1 heading occurs in the text more than once, Google does not care, the main thing is that there is no spam for the keys.

    Google appreciates the prescribed alt attributes, Yandex does not pay much attention to them. To advance in a Western search engine, you need to write the exact word forms in the titles, the robot from domestic programmers is more understandable, easily matches similar words.

    The size of visible Google and Yandex titles is limited to approximately 75 characters. At the same time, tests have shown that it is possible to make ranked titles of 120-140 characters, only the output will cut the text.

    Отличия сниппета google от yandex

    Description – in Google (depending on the subject) up to 160 characters, Yandex – up to 200.

    Together, the title and description make up the snippet that is visible in the search results. Recently, Google updated the markup schemes and demonstrates, in addition to the usual maps, attractive snippets – sliders. Yandex results are more informative in terms of text data.

    Отличия сниппета yandex от google

    No matter what the developers say, the correct composition of content and tags is the most important part of optimization.

    Link Mass

    Google or Yandex – it doesn’t matter, but there should be links to the site! Another matter what and in what proportion. Google appreciates the number of links more, Yandex – quality. To get into the TOP of the first, you need to pay a lot of attention to the link mass. He doesn’t care if the link is bought or not, it is important that the donor is not spammed and has good trust. Yandex is more picky, “white” links work more efficiently. There is an opinion that when promoting under this search engine, you can do without links at all, but then you need to scrupulously work out all the content on the site.

    After the release of Penguin and Minusinsk, it is absolutely not worth contacting dubious links. In order not to fall under the filter, it is recommended to use up to 20% anchor links and 80% non-anchor links. Otherwise, a bias may occur, and search engines will lower the site in ranking.

    Important: without good links, or with a small number of them, it is almost impossible to advance in a competitive environment.

    Adaptation for mobile devices

    Google is struggling to make it convenient for users to work with sites through smartphones and tablets. In 2019, it will be almost impossible to upgrade an unadapted or poorly adapted site. Yandex has a simpler attitude to this issue, there is no direct connection with ranking. At the same time, adaptability has a positive effect on behavioral factors – and this is already highly valued by the system.

    Social network

    Many novice optimizers come up with the idea to register in all available social networks and create posts and links to their site every day. Surprisingly, it works, but on the condition that people click on these links. Both search engines love it when a large number of visitors come to sites.

    Who searches better: Yandex or Google?


    The advantages of Yandex over Google is that this search engine mainly focuses on the subject and quality of content. Pays great attention to the age of the site and the behavior of the audience on landing pages, commercial and regional factors. Thanks to this, the system provides more complete and specialized data for informational and general requests.

    For Google, large texts rich in keywords and a significant number of links play an important role. A separate issue is updating the site. It often has a positive effect. How often this should be done depends on the niche and the specific case. An important factor is high-quality adaptation to mobile devices.

    When creating and promoting a site, try to do everything with the highest quality (texts, links, optimization, etc.). Focus on the search engine that can bring a large target audience in your region and in accordance with your market niche. The main criterion is efficiency!

    When drawing up a marketing strategy, analyze the features of the search engines and decide who you will give preference to in order to avoid the participation of the lucky owner of two chairs or the hunter of two hares.

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