Weblium Website Builder SEO Tools

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    SEO helps a website to appear as high as possible in the search results. Since most people skim through the results after 2-3 pages, you should make every effort to get to the first page. This will help to attract visitors for free and convert them into buyers.

    The Weblium website builder provides tools with which you can set up all the necessary basic SEO settings for your website. Let’s take a closer look at the existing tools, how to use them and how they are useful.
    обзор конструктора сайтов Weblium

    Meta tags

    The title and description of the page are HTML tags that give search engines more information about your site. It is this information that will be displayed in Google, Yandex, Bing and other search engines when searching. The more accurate and interesting you choose the title and description, the more visitors will visit your web resource.

    It is recommended to add unique titles and descriptions for individual pages.

    To do this, open the pages menu and open the page settings. In the SEO tab, click Edit Page Info:

    weblium - вкладка SEO

    In this tab, add the page title, description, and keywords that users will use to search for your products and services. Click Done to save your changes:
    weblium редактирование информации

    Remember that the optimal title length is considered to be 70-80 characters. The standard length of a site description for Google is 150-160 characters.

    “Nofollow” tags

    If you add a link to third-party resources, but do not want to redirect traffic or are not entirely sure about the resource, just put this “nofollow” tag. This will signal to search engines that you are not responsible for the content of the page you are linking to. And then the search engine robots will not pay attention to the added link.

    To do this, go to the pages menu and open the settings. In the SEO tab, enable the Do not link to links on this page (nofollow) option:

    weblium - тег nofollow

    If you want to add the “nofollow” tag to only one link, go to the element settings and enable the Do not follow this link (nofollow) option in the new window:
    weblium тег nofollow на отдельную ссылку
    weblium nofollow

    Blog Settings

    If you update your blog regularly, search bots will index your site more often. And, therefore, the better you optimize your blog articles for SEO, the higher your pages will appear in SERPs.

    To start optimizing your blog, go to the SEO settings of the desired article:

    weblium настройки блога

    There you can:

    • Edit the auto-generated article meta title by clicking Set custom title:

    weblium редактирование title

    • Change the URL of the page with the article:

    weblium редактирование URL

    Also, here you can hide the article from indexing and put the “nofollow” tag.

    • Add images, descriptions and keywords to the article:

    weblium добавление изображения, описания и ключевых слов

    The image will be the cover of your article. If you publish a link to an article on social networks, it will be pulled automatically. Also, the image and description of the article will be used by search engines on the search results page.

    Also, in the article, you can tag H1, H2 and H3. They divide the content of the article into headings, subheadings and allow them to be recognized by search algorithms.

    Highlight the desired text and click on settings:

    weblium добавление заголовков Н1, Н2, Н3

    Select the desired tag:
    weblium выбрать тег

    Adding alt text to images

    Alt text describes the content of the image. It is not visible to visitors to your site, but it tells search engines about the content of the photo. Without it, the graphic image will load correctly, but the SEO benefits of images will not be available.

    To add alt text to an image, click on the image and click on settings:

    weblium настройки изображения

    In the Image title field, add a short description::
    weblium добавление alt текста

    Site map access

    A sitemap consists of a list of all the pages that are on the site. This list helps search engines better understand the structure of the site, and this has a positive effect on SEO.

    In Weblium, the sitemap is generated automatically. All you have to do is add /sitemap.xml to your domain.
    The map will automatically update based on changes to the site.

    Adding a site to Google Search Control

    Adding your site to Google Search Control (GSC) gives you the ability to track your site’s search performance, request indexing, troubleshoot, optimize content, and manage various site URLs.

    To add a tag to your Weblium site, register with GSC, verify your site with the meta tag, and copy it.

    After that, go to your site settings and go to the Third Party Code tab. Paste a meta tag into the HEAD section field.

    weblium добавление сайта в google search console

    Now return to the GSC page and click Confirm.

    Adding a canonical link

    The canonical link eliminates duplicate site pages. If you add it, search engines will only index the specified “preferred” page.

    To set a page as a favorite and its link as a canonical, first open the page settings. Go to the SEO tab and paste the canonical link to the same page in the corresponding field.

    weblium добавление canonical

    Don’t forget to click Done!

    Setting up 301 redirects

    301 redirects are designed to redirect traffic from outdated URLs to the correct page. This happens automatically, and the URL entered by the user is simply ignored. It also redirects search engines to only index the new page.

    You can set such a redirect only within the same site (from one page to another).

    To do this, go to the site settings, click on the SEO section and enable the Set up redirects from other URLs option. Add the URL you want to redirect from and click Done.

    weblium настройка 301 редиректа


    As you can see, everything is extremely simple and convenient on Weblium! Even a beginner can handle their simple but effective functionality.

    In order for SEO to bring great results, it is best to purchase a Pro subscription and enable site indexing.

    Yes, SEO will not bring results in one day, but this long-term strategy will definitely be useful for all companies that strive for growth.

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