Healthy lifestyle slogans

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    Tell me honestly, do old, hackneyed slogans about a healthy lifestyle hurt you? Personally, I don’t. Phrases, covered with the dust of time, no longer produce the desired effect. Let’s take a look at a few famous slogans.

    Healthy lifestyle slogans

    “Drinking, smoking – harm health!”

    This slogan about a healthy lifestyle has long become boring, I would even say mocking. Few take it seriously.

    “To steam – not to grow old”

    Слоганы о здоровом образе жизни

    Healthy lifestyle slogans

    I do not know what to say. Little do I know of young people who go to bath-saunas without intoxicating doping. So in one evening you can grow old to obscene. As we can see, this slogan about a healthy lifestyle also does not really justify itself.

    “Quit smoking – get up on skis!”

    Well, who among us hasn’t sung this tune at one time or another? And who thought or heeded the call? That’s it. Not a slogan, but a song. In this case, it’s not a compliment at all.

    Modern slogans about a healthy lifestyle

    At the moment, something new, modern, something that would attract attention is needed. I propose to turn to slogans with a visual component. It is no secret that 80% of information a person receives visually. This feature of the human body has long been used in practice in today’s fashionable NLP.

    For example, in those countries where nicotine-affected organs were depicted on cigarette packs, the number of smokers (especially adolescents) has decreased significantly. A similar bill was planned to be approved in our country. But to some, it seemed to be unprofitable. Well, this is a topic for a separate article – a political one.

    What is the point? And the bottom line is that slogans are written on top of the pictures. What? Let’s figure it out.

    “The Ministry of Health does not warn – it is already grieving”

    I propose to put this text on a picture depicting a cemetery, the tombstones on the graves of which are made in the form of cigarette packs. Each pack says something like this: “Smoked 219,113 cigarettes”, “Smoked 220,101 cigarettes”, etc.

    “Do you smoke? Get used to it”

    The picture consists of two parts. On the first one (where it says “Do you smoke?”) – the actual smoker, and on the second – for example, a patient on crutches with gangrene of the legs or with artificial lungs. Hard? Shocking? But it will be remembered. The effect has been achieved.

    Healthy lifestyle slogans for Internet users

    Today it is difficult to imagine young people who would not use the Internet. Yes, yes, and this applies to you too! Therefore, you can play on the specifics of this “breed” of people.

    “Forget your password, delete your nickname,

    Press Esc – and on the crossbar!

    Everything is simple here. On the left – a typical nerd, preferably against the backdrop of WOW, on the right – an athlete with a beautiful pumped-up torso. The difference, as they say, on the face.

    You can make a whole series with MEM heroes.

    “Onotole doesn’t smoke. And you?”

    I think it is not necessary to explain who will be in the picture. And it doesn’t matter if Mr. Wasserman smokes in real life, on the Internet he is an icon and, therefore, cannot screw up like that.

    Chuck doesn’t smoke. And you?”

    The same story. And so on.

    Happiness to you and, most importantly, HEALTH!

    P.S. A few more slogans about a healthy lifestyle:

    • A cigarette contains 3 mg of nicotine. How much horsepower do you have?
    • Smoking is light…at the end of the tunnel
    • Bullet 8 caliber (The photo shows a smoking cigarette. As you know, a cigarette has a diameter of 8 mm)
    • He stopped drinking and smoking at the same time – a stroke, guys (stolen taken from the Internet)

    Author: Dmitry Tunkov

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