How to describe a product or service in an attractive selling text?

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    We convert properties and characteristics into advantages and benefits

    How to describe the product or service being sold in an attractive way for the target audience? It is not enough to simply list or illustrate its features, characteristics, or benefits. Even if you make, for example, a complete video review of the product or sort out how the service is provided, this will not be enough to push for a conversion action – a call for a consultation or an order. Why? It’s simple: a product or service can be great, but they spend money on it only when they feel that they are needed, that it is really profitable to purchase them.

    Как описать продукт или услугу в тексте

    Properties of a product or service

    The properties of a product or service are its main distinguishing features. If we talk about goods, then their properties can be:

    • appearance features: size, color, design;
    • physical characteristics: weight, dimensions, materials;
    • accessories: component parts that can be sold or bought separately;
    • software or lack thereof;
    • additional accessories.

    The description of even the simplest product can take several pages. But a potential buyer does not have time to get acquainted with all this, therefore, when presenting any product, only important properties that are decisive should be used.

    With the description of the properties of services, things are a little more complicated than for goods, since they are not so obvious. These may include:

    • targeting: for a specific person or group of people;
    • time frame: when exactly can it be provided and how long this process takes;
    • source or “producer”, that is, specification on certain individuals or one person;
    • components or steps, if any.

    Product characteristics

    Characteristics differ from properties in greater accuracy. At first, it may seem that it is more correct to use them in selling texts, but in reality it often turns out to be the opposite. Few potential customers will understand what it is about if you talk about a refrigerator like this, without explaining exactly what it means:

    характеристика товара

    Therefore, characteristics should be used when writing a selling text only when they are converted into benefits or advantages that will be better understood by the target audience.

    Benefits of a product or service

    выгоды товара/услуги в тексте

    Park describes the role of describing the benefits of products and services in his book SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham.

    The benefits of goods or services derive from their properties or characteristics. At the same time, they are the key ones that distinguish one product or service from another similar one. The benefits are usually described using adjectives, and the control question for finding or formulating them can be “Why or what is good about?” in relation to certain properties or characteristics. For example: “The refrigerator works almost imperceptibly, the noise level reaches a maximum of 37 dB.”

    When writing a selling text for a product or service, use the features and benefits. But it will be even better if you present to your potential client everything from the side of benefits that will be most attractive to him.

    Benefits of a product or service

    The benefits are at the intersection of features and benefits, but closer to the needs of the target audience, as they are directly related to them. The “magic” of their use is based on the fact that after identifying the “pains” of potential customers, the product is presented in such a way that it is clear that all problems will be solved. That is why it is important to correctly determine who the target audience is, and then deal with the needs of each group. Benefits allow you to present a product or service to the client more clearly than features or benefits.

    Examples of converting properties into benefits:

    Примеры конвертации свойств в выгоды

    3 ways to present a product or service in a sales text

    There are three main ways to present the properties and characteristics of a product or service as a benefit in a sales text:

    • Due to or due to <Property>, You <Benefit>;
    • You will get <Benefit> thanks to <Property>;
    • Multifunctionality.

    With the first two points, everything is pretty clear: you offer something, describing as much as possible the beneficial aspects and properties of the product or service, as well as exactly how this will satisfy the needs of the customer. The second option is well suited for use in lists, since the reader, even with a cursory glance, will definitely visually notice the beginning of each new item.

    With the first two points, everything is pretty clear: you offer something, describing as much as possible the beneficial aspects and properties of the product or service, as well as exactly how this will satisfy the needs of the customer.

    The description of multifunctionality deserves special attention. On the one hand, everything is very simple: for example, a client needs to sell a lighter or a clay pot. Quite understandable objects with a specific functional purpose. It seems that there is nothing to write about. What to do? In such situations, the description of the maximum possible functionality of the subject saves.

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    When writing a selling text, one should not just list the properties of the same clay pot, it is necessary to present and list all possible options for the functions of the object, that is, describe how it can be used:

    • to store something loose;
    • as a pot for growing a houseplant;
    • as an element of decor in the interior of a room or on a personal plot;
    • for cooking, if suitable for baking in the oven;
    • as a piggy bank for money;
    • “pot-antistress”, that is, to release negative emotions without getting hurt on the fragments;
    • as a dumbbell if the pot is heavy;
    • as a canvas for the implementation of creative ideas, that is, for coloring with paints.

    It is possible to make the selling text more attractive and figurative, describing the benefits of buying a product or ordering a service, by appealing to the emotions of a potential customer. If we consider further the example with a clay pot, a good option would be to turn to mythology, beliefs, signs, fairy tales. For example:

    • The image of Winnie the Pooh on your child’s matinee will not be completed without the use of our clay pot;
    • On the territory of Ukraine, a clay pot is one of the attributes that symbolize the cultural traditions of the people, in particular, the wealth and material well-being of people who could place several similar items on their fence as decoration in the past.

    Remember, even the simplest item always has a few properties that you can present to a potential customer in the form of benefits. Your task is to see it and describe it in a language understandable to the target audience.

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