Comments from Internet users – how do they affect the promotion of the site?

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    Internet users’ discussions are often corrected by moderators. Site administrators try to remove rude content, texts that are not related to the topic of this page, and sometimes false or unflattering user reviews.
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    Internet user comments indicate interest in a product, article, graphic or video. They provide insight into the content being published and are also a source of information about how the brand is perceived. Despite this, some sites do not allow you to comment on their content. Is the adoption of such a strategy of action due to the fact that comments have an impact on the position of the page in the search results? What is the relationship between user opinion and SEO? How Google perceives the left comments?

    Should I allow bad comments on a page?

    Comments affect the promotion of the site in search engines if they correspond to the subject of this article and relate to the material contained in it. Sometimes they may contain key phrases that were just omitted from the content, due to which they influenced the positioning of the site. Reviews left by users are also indexed by search robots. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to their content and meaning. When moderating comments, first of all, it is worth deleting those that are rude or offensive. It is also worth paying attention to whether the comment has any meaning or was left only in order to get a link to your own site.

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    How does Google respond to user comments?

    Google is constantly updating its algorithms to provide users with content that is most relevant to the query typed into the search engine. The Panda algorithm analyzes the content of websites in terms of their quality. It ranks lower those websites that host spam, i.e. low quality content and non-unique texts. As a result, such sites receive a lower position in the search results.

    The Panda algorithm also pays attention to comments. If their content does not match the theme of the site, he may consider them spam. Google’s algorithms are getting smarter, so don’t post comments that don’t add any value.

    Moderating Discussions – Managing Comments Properly

    Comments bring additional value to the site. Internet users can share their impressions and speak on topics that interest them. Thanks to this, you can get to know the users of the portal and next time write a text according to their interests. However, once you decide to add commenting functionality to your site, you must manage the feedback that users leave.

    Remember that the Panda algorithm pays attention to both the article you posted and the user comments. This means that the opinions of site visitors also have an impact on the overall quality of the site. In this regard, when viewing comments, delete those that do not correspond to the topic of the posted material. A jumble of technical information in user reviews will not only affect the quality of the page, but it will also affect the Panda not knowing what topic to associate the service with.

    We should not forget about another algorithm from Google – Penguin. With it, you can get a fine for placing outbound links on your site, which can be just spam or lead to malicious sites. This issue may also apply to content that appears in comments. To avoid problems, you can simply set the nofollow attribute for links published in user reviews. Thanks to this, hyperlinks inserted by the user will be harmless, and the Penguin algorithm will not impose a penalty.


    Internet comments deserve attention

    When moderating and posting comments on sites, you should follow the tips below.

    • Set clear rules for commenting and communicate them on the site. If you define the rules and everyone knows them, it will be easier to moderate comments and others will understand why their post was not accepted. If someone does not follow the rules, then they will not be able to make claims against you.
    • Leave comments that are signed by a real name, or a pseudonym.
    • Pay attention to the comments left by people related to your industry. Thanks to this, you will build business relationships and create an image of a professional.
    • Take care of the quality of the comments. Both you and readers are interested in comments that add something. Less important is the “cool” comment, which in many cases is used to promote one’s own site rather than expressing an opinion.
    • Answer the questions asked in the comments.
    • Valuable are real reviews that look spontaneous or written under the influence of real emotions. Reading such a comment, other users will be convinced that it was not published by order and that its author expressed his true thoughts.

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