3 rules to keep your privacy online

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    One of the most important human values of the 21st century is the confidentiality of personal information (naturally, after human life and health). If saving lives and maintaining health, humanity has learned at a very high level, then with the ability to hide your data from prying eyes, it’s still a bit tight. At the moment, this duty is assigned exclusively to the citizens themselves, and not to the state. Therefore, 3 basic rules will be listed below, thanks to which you can be sure of your network security, at a sufficient level, as for an ordinary user.

    Fast detection of phishing sites

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    Phishing pages are one of the most insidious means of intercepting your data, and in tandem with social engineering techniques, phishing does wonders that are extremely dangerous for the privacy of each of us. The bottom line is that the task of a phishing page is to let the user believe that the service he visits is original, and you can easily enter data for authorization. After entering the information, your data passes into the hands of an attacker who will use it for personal gain.

    The only way to tell a real site from a phishing one is to look at the domain name and compare it to the original one. In most cases, the domain name there is very strange, like “sjgskdjgksdgsd.com”. But there are also more cunning options, for example “instagramm.com”. So just be careful and don’t click on suspicious links (this is the tip that will save you from 95% of phishing pages).

    Lightning-fast sniffer detection

    A sniffer is a malicious program whose task is to listen to all your actions on the network, and, if possible, to intercept authorization data for various services. Then, the received data is transferred to the attacker, and he already uses it at his own discretion (usually, this is replenishing his password database for brute force and trying to hack all possible services with similar logins and passwords).

    It is very difficult to detect a sniffer, it is much easier to prevent it from getting on the device than to rake up the consequences of this work later. If this malicious software is prepared by a professional, and not by an amateur, then it is simply impossible to detect this piece of code on your own.

    The only thing that will prevent a sniffer from stealing your data is a good VPN service, because it is full-fledged encryption that will not allow an ill-wisher to know what exactly you were viewing. All that an attacker gets is an absolutely encrypted order of your actions on the network. It will take at least 100 years to decipher this array of information, even with the use of all current capacities (provided that modern security protocols are used).

    Unfortunately, now there are a lot of unscrupulous VPN providers, and it is very difficult to choose a really reliable VPN service among them. However, following the link https://10best-vpn.com/, you can get acquainted with the best, according to the site’s editors, VPN providers.

    One service – one password

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    One and only password for everything – it’s so convenient, you don’t need to bother, remember something, and so on. In part, it is true, one password for everything is convenient, but not a bit secure. As soon as hackers get a database with the authorization data of one service, they immediately check all the data of interest with the same logins and passwords.

    So it turns out that by hacking one service, they get access to all your resources. And the fact that non-financial websites have absolutely no concern for their own protection encourages criminals to hack them in the first place. And then, with the available data, move on to more serious services, like a bank or social networks.


    Remember, information security depends only on you, because if there is indifference to all actions, then neither expensive equipment nor software will save your data from leakage. As you know, the most dangerous vulnerability is sitting in front of the monitor, so read, learn, develop!

    But do not forget that if you wish, you can hack anyone, the only question is the expediency of this event. If you are an ordinary person who does not own a multi-million dollar company, then most likely criminals are not interested in you, and basic knowledge of network security is enough (so as not to fall into the trap of the so-called lamers).

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