SEO and LSI copywriting: features, differences and instructions for creating TOR for an LSI article

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    The term SEO copywriting, as well as the concept itself, as well as the need for writing such texts, is becoming a thing of the past. Instead, LSI copywriting is increasingly in demand.

    SEO copywriting or writing is writing informational texts for websites that would be interesting to readers and meet the requirements of search engines.

    LSI copywriting (latent semantic indexing) is a text writing technique that combines user expectations with search engine expectations. When creating them, they are widely used:

    • synonyms;
    • words accompanying the key query: terminology, slang, words that set the topic;
    • deep study of the content and meaning of the text.

    The difference between LSI copywriting and SEO copywriting

    LSI copywritingSEO copywriting
    Semantic variationKeywords
    Context fitKeyword Density
    Expertise (reliability of information)Location of keywords
    Added valueTypes of occurrences (exact, diluted)

    In SEO copywriting, keywords come first, which can be selected using special services or received as one of the items in the TOR from an SEO specialist. Unlike SEO copywriting, LSI copywriting aims to satisfy the highest expectations of the reader. There is more relevant semantic variation. What does it mean? For example, a potential buyer enters the query “buy red boots”, so in the search results he should receive a text that describes red boots, and the possibility of buying this product is also necessarily provided.

    As for the density of keywords, search engine promotion specialists are now trying not to use this term even when drawing up technical specifications for a copywriter. Instead, the concept of relevance to the context comes to the fore, that is, the presence in the finished text of the necessary additional set of words on the subject, which are also used by users when searching for information on the Internet.

    The placement of keywords has also changed. Previously, the presence of keywords in the main heading, in the first subheading, at the beginning of the text, and so on, was of great importance. In LSI copywriting, there is no such concentration on a clear location of keys. First of all, the reliability of the information offered to the potential user, its uniqueness and completeness are important.


    To determine the added value of the text at the stage of its creation, it is necessary to study the TOP 10 similar articles on competing sites offered by the Google or Yandex search engine on the topic of interest before starting work on the content. Based on them, it will be easier to draw up a rough plan. You will need to work on the topic so that your article is the most complete, meeting all user requests. Particular attention should be paid to the heading, subheadings, as well as additional information: tables, graphs, pictures, lists, infographics, etc.

    Types of occurrences are also taken into account when writing quality content. But search engines are already using algorithms to track the overuse of exact and dilute keyword occurrences. This led to the fact that those sites that are excessively saturated with keywords fell under the filters or dropped out of the search. That is why in LSI copywriting preference is given to the use of synonyms.

    As for the points of failure, this indicator is monitored by an SEO specialist through the webmaster’s panels or analytics systems. What does this concept imply? If a user of the Yandex search engine is on the site for less than 15 seconds (for Google, viewing only one page), the system regards this as the irrelevance of the text to the request or its uselessness. If the bounce rate is too high, the content is considered not to meet the user’s expectations and the page is lowered in the search results. In this case, it is necessary to work out the entire page, including the content component and usability.

    Types of LSI keys

    There are three main types of keys for LSI articles:

    • SEO keywords are a standard set of keywords that are selected for the topic of the article in the same way as for SEO articles.
    • Synonymous (sLSI) – keywords with synonyms for the main SEO queries. For example, the keyword “car from China” would be synonymous with “Chinese car”.
    • Relevant (rLSI) are words from the environment of the main key, the so-called complementary keywords, as well as other keys that are directly related to the topic of the article. These include slang, narrow terminology, etc. According to them, the search engine determines how well the topic of the text is disclosed. For example, relevant words for the key “cars from China” would be “officially”, “inexpensive”, “motor”, “engine”, “high-tech”, etc.

    Signs of quality text for search engines

    Now voluminous texts are just as popular as short ones. The length of the article for displaying the page on the top lines of the PS is determined as follows: we calculate the arithmetic mean based on the texts that make up the TOP-10 in the search engine results on the topic of interest.

    Other important features of good text, according to search engines, are:

    • a clear structure: subheadings, lists, paragraphs;
    • uniqueness;
    • thematic vocabulary, a large number of synonyms;
    • the use of words that set the topic;
    • usefulness and novelty;
    • simplicity of presentation;
    • the rhythm of the text;
    • density of keywords and passages: uniform distribution, no tautology;
    • expert information;
    • no errors.

    Meta tags for pages on the site

    While SEO texts are slowly becoming a thing of the past, having them on your site can help improve your search rankings. At the same time, it is important not only to write the text itself well, but also to work out the meta tags correctly. The following rules apply to them:

    • The keyword must be in <Title>.
    • Unique, “selling” <Description> with a keyword.
    • Correct page structure: H1 is the only one, using H2, H3, H4 for subheadings.
    • Keywords in alt and title of pictures.

    All these points can be prescribed by both an SEO specialist and the author of the article, if he is familiar with the basics of website promotion. This should be done based on the study of the pages of competitors. There is no need to highlight keywords in any way. This is even harmful, as it can lead to falling under the filters of search engines. At the same time, the use of means for highlighting in the text is not prohibited. It’s just better to italicize or bold some terms or important thoughts, rather than individual keywords and phrases.

    Approximate instructions for creating a TOR for writing an LSI text for a website

    Using an example, let’s consider what the “ideal” terms of reference should be for writing an LSI text for a website. Its purpose is to ensure that the author, starting to write the text, does not spend additional time working with services to search for keywords and thematic words, as well as determining the framework that will help bring the page to the TOP of search engines. The determination of important parameters is usually done by an SEO specialist responsible for website promotion. To do this, he does:

    • Selection of keywords through the Yandex.Wordstat service, Keyword Planner from Google or Serpstat. Some people prefer to use the Key Collector program.
    • Selection of keywords that set the topic through Rush Analitycs, Alexander Arsenkin’s free tool, Pixel Tools, Serpstat’s “similar phrases” or other paid service. Yandex and Google automatic search suggestions are also suitable for this.
    • Elaboration of texts from the TOP of issue to determine the allowable percentage of water content, spam content, recommended text length. As a rule, water content up to 15%, spam content from 30% to 60% is considered normal. But depending on the subject, these indicators can vary up or down. The length of the article is determined by the arithmetic mean, based on the content of those pages that are already in the TOP.

    Based on the information worked out, a TOR for the author is compiled. Some SEO-specialists do not specify any frames and keywords, preferring to receive expert material, which is subsequently “sharpened” for the requirements of search engines. Others, on the contrary, prefer to immediately voice all the requirements for the text in order to minimize the number of improvements.

    Пример ТЗ для LSI статьи от Мавра

    Checking the text before delivery to the customer or placement on the site

    • Check for grammar and spelling errors. and Spelling do a good job with this.
    • Checking for the uniqueness of the text through the, or other similar services.
    • SEO-analysis of the text and run through the lemmatizer. The first can be done on the website of the Advego exchange,, etc. Convenient lemmatizers at Arsenkin and on the site SEO-breakthrough.
    • Readability assessment through,, Glavred, Turgenev. Everyone uses those tools that are closest to him, since in general the assessment of any text is subjective. Services, on the other hand, help to look at the content with the closest look at search engines.
    • Comparison of texts for similarity, if you need to quickly prepare and upload several texts on the same or related topic. This is especially true if they are written by the same author. To do this, it is convenient to use the, or other similar services.
    • After receiving the results of the checks, the text is finalized based on the recommendations of the services used.

    A feature of LSI copywriting can also be called the fact that the process of creating texts according to this principle is almost continuous. 2-3 months after the publication of content on the site, it is necessary to analyze the issuance of the site for queries that bring users to the page. This will provide additional keywords and ideas for improving the article. Such upgrades are recommended to be done every six months or more often.

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