Why does a business/site owner need a semantic core of a site?

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    The semantic core is a complete list of phrases that describe the site, type of activity, goods, services and the subject of the site. It takes into account the desire and interests of users, while meeting the business goals of the project (i.e. to make a profit). The semantic core is a set of key queries that need to be embedded in the texts on the pages of your site.

    семантическое ядро

    Why compose a semantic core and implement these queries at all, you ask? The answer is simple – how then users / clients should find exactly your site, among a huge number of others, on the Internet.

    The main purpose of compiling a semantic core is to improve the visibility of the site in search engines.

    Many do not understand why a semantic core is needed at all. The result is a waste of time to launch a project that will never reach high search engine results. Whatever you do, no matter how much money you invest, without a well-assembled and skillfully implemented semantic core on the site, all your work is in vain.

    Imagine that you enter the phrase: “septic tank” in the search bar. In response to this request, Yandex or Google issues a huge number of sites. You look, search, scrolled down to the 10th page, but you can’t find exactly your site (although you can order an installation service on your site at an affordable price).

    Why does this happen, you ask? But because on your site this word is not found anywhere. There is only – “autonomous sewerage”, but not “septic tank”.

    Accordingly, users who entered the phrase “septic tank” into the search bar will never find your site, moreover, it does not even participate in the search results. For users, it simply does not exist.

    Suppose you did add this word to your site. But people still don’t come. So what’s the reason? And the reason is that the phrase “septic tank” was added to the site, everything would be fine, but people search for the site on the request “private sewerage”, and they can also enter another query – “sewerage in a private house”, etc.

    So how to understand what phrases to indicate on your site so that people will surely find it?

    It is this question that the semantic core answers. In fact, the core is a list of phrases for which people actually search for your site. And this list may not coincide with what you personally think.

    Let us consider in more detail why a semantic core is needed?

    1. Семантическое ядро, ключевые слова на стенеFor marketing analysis of competitors

    That is, in order to select requests for promoting your resource, you need to research competitors in the TOP of the issue (they occupy a leading position). What we need is to reach the TOP!

    In the process, you will find out what queries they are promoting and what they talk about on their pages, which will allow you to take into account their successful experience and use it when promoting your web resource.

    1. To create or adjust the site structure

    From the selected queries will depend on the form in which it is better to organize the menu and the internal connection between the pages (the so-called “site architecture”).

    That is, the selected keywords and search queries will allow you to clearly build a plan for which queries for which pages it is better to use. In the end, everything is simple and clear. This will significantly save time, effort and money, allowing you to quickly implement everything on the site and reach the TOP.

    1. To add new sections or pages of the site

    Finding new queries and keywords for the theme of your web resource (perhaps the existence of which you did not even suspect – there are a lot of synonyms, you won’t take everything into account at once), it will become clear which pages will need to be added to the site structure. And, perhaps, remove or even merge a couple of sections into one.

    1. To draw up terms of reference for texts (TOR for a copywriter)

    You have no texts on your site – in general, or, you decided to rewrite / supplement them. How to understand what topics to give hired copywriters to fill in pages.

    Having on hand the TOR, which details the main and additional key phrases (we take them on the basis of the collected semantic core) for writing texts, the copywriter will be able to perform his task qualitatively.

    As a result, you will get a text that is really “tailored” to the requirements of search engines.

    1. For selecting link text (anchors)

    Let’s take a closer look at what an anchor looks like.

    Пример анкора

    Fig.1 – Text fragment with 3 anchors

    In this example, a book is mentioned called “Illumination”. So that a person who is interested in this book does not waste time searching for it on the Internet, you can immediately indicate the path to him with an anchor (they are highlighted in a different color, usually blue).

    This is how the anchor looks in the site code:

    <p>What about <a href=”http://www.neiromarketing.ru/articles/69.htm” target=”_blank”>priming</a>? Yes, researchers are trying to replicate the effect of several experiments, including

    <a href=”http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0029081″ target=”_blank”>of the notorious study</a> mentioned by <strong>Malcolm Gladwell</ strong> in the book

    <a href=” http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/4599481/” target=”_blank”>“Illumination”</a>. In it, participants were “tuned” in advance using the words “Florida” and “lotto”, and they began to move like elderly people.</p>

    In the text, on the site, only the word “Illumination” is displayed, but in the site code we see the link – https://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/4599481/. It is not visible in the text.

    A person, by clicking on the word “Illumination“, which is the anchor, will immediately automatically go to the page with this book. Here is the page to which the person will be redirected:

    Книга Озарение

    Fig. 2 – the page that we get to thanks to the anchor

    Thus, by choosing the right keywords, it will be easy to decide which phrases are suitable for creating anchors. When promoting a site to the TOP, building up the link mass will be an additional plus (that is, when other authoritative, according to search engines, donor sites link to your site and thereby transfer part of their “weight”). And in order not to fall under the sanctions applied by search engines, anchors must be wisely selected.

    • To work with contextual advertising

    Also, the semantic core is very important to use for promotion in contextual advertising. By increasing the number of key queries (when collecting semantics), you can increase the reach of the audience. By accurately hitting the phrase, you can achieve a reduction in the cost per click, and, consequently, the cost of attracting one client.

    • To calculate the cost of website promotion “by request”.

    You can independently try to calculate the approximate cost of website promotion in search engines. To do this, you can use the Rookee system by clicking on this link – http://www.rookee.ru/. Detailed instructions:

    • You need to register (enter your email, password and phone number).
    • On the main page, click on “Advertising campaigns” (located on the left side. Number 1) → “Add advertising campaign” (top right – plus in a green circle. Number 2).
    rookee - Добавление рекламной кампании

    Fig.3 – Adding an advertising campaign

    • Complete all 4 steps:
    • Your website address →
    • Select the region, Site theme, Search engines – Yandex/Google →
    • The service itself selects the queries that people enter while looking for your site. + You can enter the queries you see fit.
    • The system calculates the approximate cost of website promotion.
    заполнение 1-го этапа, rookee

    Fig.4 – filling in the 1st stage

    запросы, подобранные системой Rookee.ru

    Fig. 5 – requests selected by the Rookee.ru system at the 3rd stage (the button is highlighted in green, by clicking on which you can add your requests)

    стоимость бюджета продвижения, rookee

    Fig.6 – 4th stage, the cost of the promotion budget

    How to buy links yourself in Rookee.ru? Detailed instructions: 1. Go to the “Ad Campaigns” section. And choose your site.
    Рекламные кампании в Rookee2. On the Requests tab, click the value in the Budget column that corresponds to the request you want to promote with links.
    Запросы в rookee3. Clicking on the button with two arrows will allow the system to calculate the budget automatically. Please note that if the system previously calculated a zero budget for both types of eternal links, then clicking the button will not be able to calculate the budget – you will need to enter it manually. Do not forget to click the “Apply” button ” to save changes.4. To save your query budget changes, click the Save button below the table.
    семантическое ядро сайта, графикNow that you have become more familiar with the semantic core, the answer to the question “Should it be compiled?” obvious. Of course you need! After all, this contributes to the exit of the site to the very top of the search engine results.

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