Electronic Digital Signatures to Improve Business Performance

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    The world moves fast and no one has time to do certain things, so efforts often need to be justified and match the desired results. Then why not look for effective solutions?

    Digital signatures are the key to satisfying all wishes:

    • simple integration;
    • minimum costs;
    • standard security;
    • reliable reputation;
    • healthy business growth;
    • timely profitability.

    A modern entrepreneur cannot do without an EDS. You can find out how an electronic signature is created by going to the instructions prepared by Fondy (the company itself specializes in Internet acquiring – that is, it provides entrepreneurs with the opportunity to accept payments from all over the world).

    Электронные цифровые подписи

    What is ROI and how is it related to EDS?

    ROI means return on investment. This is the return on the money invested, and in order to get it, the company must make the profit it wants. For a company to be successful, certain milestones must be correctly followed:

    • deadlines;
    • the reliability of the organization;
    • honesty in your business;
    • loyalty and legitimacy in the market;
    • creation of high-tech offers for consumers and sellers.

    What are the options to achieve this?

    To run a business, you simply need:

    • staff;
    • secure financial systems;
    • customer data warehouse;
    • ease of receiving and processing customer requests;
    • marketing and advertising;
    • secure communication between sellers and buyers, merchants and intermediaries.

    To make this possible, you need an electronic signature.

    Benefits of the ECP

    1. Ensuring financial strength

    You will be able to issue an invoice electronically and legally sign it using an EDS. This is a convenient way to resolve billing issues as quickly as possible. In addition, online purchases and sales are possible through online billing platforms, such as the Fondy service. Thanks to the service, there is no need to create accounts in different payment systems to solve money problems.

    1. Reliable partnership

    When working with partners, customers, contractors, you should make sure that they are trustworthy and legitimate. The validity of the certificate can be checked using the following services:

    • Diya
    • Official information resource KN EDP ISD STS
    • Nectar
    • master key

    If the digital signature is valid, it means that the signer is trustworthy and you can work with him.

    1. Internet recruiting

    Thanks to the electronic digital signature, you can sign a contract with a future employee without meeting him in person, because. EDS is issued to both individuals and legal entities.

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