How external links affect the position of the site

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    Link building is often used to promote a website. But for many seo-specialists, it raises questions, since they do not quite agree that external links can improve the position of a resource in all search engines. Some say that such promotion works only in Google, others argue that backlinks to the site are extremely important for Yandex.

    Do links affect website rankings?

    As practice shows, high-quality backlinks really affect SEO promotion in all search engines. It is possible, and even necessary, to continue using links to promote projects. But depending on the quality and correctness of the promotion, the resource may sag or take a leading position.

    When placing external links, keep track of the position of the site in search engines. Any SEO specialist should do this.

    Here is an instruction on how to check the position of the site Here you will get acquainted with the best services that give a complete analysis of the site.

    And here is an example of one of the services:

    Как обратные ссылки влияют на позиции сайта

    How can links affect a site?

    With the help of competent link building, you can increase the credibility of your resource among search engines. So, if a few years ago the systems did not pay much attention to the quality of links, but only took into account their quantity, today the opposite is true.

    New search engine algorithms take into account how correctly and naturally the link is placed. If it looks incorrect, in this case, there may be problems with the growth of the site in search engines. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the posted links in order to understand how well they worked. Therefore, we immediately give a good guide on how to check backlinks to the site

    Here you will find popular services for checking backlinks, find out their features, prices, etc.

    Here is an example of link analysis with Afrefs

    пример анализа ссылок с помощью Afrefs

    External links can influence in a positive or negative way. You will get the right effect from link building if anchors and links are placed correctly, on carefully selected resources that correspond to the topic and have a certain weight.

    Those links that were placed on dubious resources can negatively affect the site. Because of this, promoted pages even often fall under sanctions.

    How to use link building correctly?

    Let’s start with what not to do. First of all, do not trust dubious sites. You can understand which donor is in front of you by analyzing it by the level of attendance, how long it has existed, what functionality it has, and what links lead both from it and to it. Spamming with crooked links or anchors suggests that the site does not pay much attention to quality, which means it may fall out of the top.

    You should not trust the writing of texts with links to copywriters who are not in the subject. Search engines value useful, natural articles. If they are not useful, then the link will not play.

    Many SEOs still use anchors in the old way, without inflecting words. They look unnatural and harm the site.

    In order for external links to positively influence the position of the site, you need to:

    • place them on thematic resources, news sites that have high positions in search engines;
    • write good, useful content with natural link placement;
    • analyze donors and competitors, which will give an understanding of the direction in which to move for successful link building.

    External links should not be abandoned, because they have an impact on the position of the site and can improve its weight if properly promoted.

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