Creative advertising on the Internet: where to find an idea, secrets of effectiveness and examples

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    Marketing and creativity are inseparable concepts. David Bernstein, a well-known UK marketer, considers creativity to be the “central core” of advertising.

    Creative advertising is a creative activity that is aimed at promoting a product or service to the market. This is done through the use of non-standard forms of thinking to draw people’s attention to the advertising product.
    креативная интернет реклама 2

    The main purpose of this kind of advertising is to use familiar concepts and images in a different way. That is, to convey the marketing task and the emotional message of the company, using a play on words, sounds and combinations of unusual associations. The main method of influence of marketers-creatives is to surprise the target audience with the help of unusual and original solutions. Or vice versa, using minimalism, which will stand out brightly against the background of colorful advertisements. Creative Internet advertising on a subconscious level should push the consumer to choose this product.

    Features of the development of creative advertising

    • Market specifics. In order for advertising to be effective, it is necessary to know the peculiarities of the market to the smallest detail. Who is this product intended for: teenagers or housewives? Men or women? Is this product designed to popularize it or attract new consumers who have not used it before, or used a different brand? Is this portion of the market large enough to be targeted by an advertising campaign?
    • Focus. Creative advertising on the Internet will be much more effective if it is based on human needs.
    • Think like a consumer. Most users of various resources go to sites not to admire ads. Therefore, advertising should instantly attract the eye, quickly communicate the main idea.
    • Use the possibilities of color and contrast. Unusual color schemes always attract the eye, and the method of “visual irony”, which contrasts ideas, has always been an effective advertising technique.
    • Avoid ambiguity. The message must be precise and clear. The consumer will not look at advertising for a long time, trying to understand its subtle essence, but rather move on to something more interesting, in his opinion.

    Stages of creating creative advertising

    1. Benchmarking. At this stage, strategic goals for the further development of the advertising campaign are determined. The market and other, more successful firms in the industry are analyzed. The purpose of benchmarking is to learn from the positive experience of others.

    Also at this stage, surveys can be conducted among the target audience to find out their opinion about the product being produced. In the future, the results of the survey are used to improve the image of the company.

    2. The choice of only one goal of creative advertising. For advertising to be effective, you need to focus on one indicator:

    Appeal – focused on customers who have previously used a different brand.

    Task: to show the benefits of a particular product.

    Attraction – creative advertising is aimed at new customers who have not previously used this product.

    Objective: to generate interest and desire to purchase a product.

    Preservation – directed to its target audience.

    Task: maintaining the image of the company among regular customers.

    Increase: make it clear to the target audience that this product can be in demand in many areas of their lives. Call out the need for it.

    Objective: to encourage consumers to use this product more often.

    3. The choice of basic needs and motives through which we will convey the idea

    All consumer needs can be divided into two groups: functional and emotional.

    Functional needs or basic needs are aimed at satisfying the physiological needs of a person.

    Examples of functional needs might be:

    • desire to quench thirst and hunger;
    • get to a certain place in a certain period of time;
    • eliminate pain;
    • cool the air or warm up.

    This type of need is often the key one, but based on it alone, you cannot build the entire advertising campaign.

    Eemotional needs. When buying a product, the consumer seeks to assert himself, to maintain his image.

    For example, when purchasing clothes, a person strives to look good, to be loved, to feel comfortable in it. The desire to fit someone or look “modern” can force a person to buy goods of famous and expensive brands.

    4. Creation of a creative idea. Based on the data that was obtained in the previous stages, a creative idea for advertising is thought up.

    5. Choosing the style of expressing the idea. Creative advertising can contain many stylistic elements. For example: the use of a symbolic character, a fantasy setting, creating a mood or image, comparative advertising, fighting stereotypes, non-standard form.

    Creativity Exercises

    The development of creativity is far from an important factor in creating effective advertising. Creativity exercises are based on creative thinking, logic and the ability to connect opposite things.

    • The madness of an architect. Write down 10 unrelated nouns on a piece of paper. For example: watermelon, dinosaur, toothpaste, coffee, dog, emerald, rose, pen, bridge, dollar. These 10 words are 10 conditions of the customer for whom you are designing a house. For example, draw a house with coffee-colored walls, a mural (drawing) on its back side, where a dinosaur guarding emeralds will be depicted, etc.
    • Associations (5+5). Pick any subject that you can think of. Have you chosen? Then write five things that can accurately characterize him. And five that have absolutely nothing to do with him.
    • Creativity test. Take a sheet of paper and draw 30 identical objects, such as squares. Then tune in a positive way and start turning the squares into mini-sketches.

    Creative Advertising Examples

    For more inspiration, I suggest you familiarize yourself with examples of creative advertising:

    “One dies, millions cry. A million dies, no one cries.” Advertising against hunger in Africa.

    An advertisement for very long dog leashes.

    An advertisement for the film The Day After Tomorrow, hinting at a plot reveal.

    And also watch creative advertising fails on the Internet.

    Everyone can create creative advertising, and its effectiveness depends only on your imagination.

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