Online Marketing Quiz: Which Internet Marketer Are You?

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    Various materials have been available on our site for a long time, which can be useful for both beginners and long-term marketers. Marketing tests are a great way to test your knowledge of the basics of online marketing in order to determine the direction of development in self-education.

    Marketing Fundamentals Test

    Online marketing tests are not uncommon, but the questions in them are often compiled only taking into account the theoretical knowledge that a university student should have. Tests on the basics of marketing with answers, developed specifically for our site, are designed in such a way as to take into account the practical side of the marketer’s work in today’s market.

    Тест по маркетингу

    The answer options and test topics are selected in such a way that it is possible to evaluate not only knowledge of the basics, but also an understanding of the laws by which the market develops. The tests cover Internet marketing, strategic and tactical marketing, as well as marketing analysis and communications – all that a successful marketing practitioner needs to understand.

    The Internet is one of the most dynamically developing areas of the economy, and therefore we pay special attention to testing such knowledge in the field of Internet marketing:

    • knowledge and ability to use the main metrics used in promotion;
    • the ability to identify communication channels for different target audiences;
    • analytical knowledge and skills to develop an online promotion strategy;
    • knowledge of the main promotion tools on the Internet.

    Why you need to test your knowledge

    Passing various tests with the ability to immediately know the correct answers is useful even for experienced practitioners. Constant development and self-education is an integral part of success in any modern profession, and marketing is no exception.

    It is no secret that the professional activity of a marketer is often associated with a specific market and not all knowledge and skills are applied in practice. A good, professionally designed marketing test not only helps to determine the level of knowledge on the topic. The answers given to it have an educational function and help to fill in the gaps and determine the direction for development. This is a great way to achieve and maintain a high professional level of the modern marketer.

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