TOP 19 modern ways to speed up site indexing

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    What is site indexing and why is it important?

    Website indexing is the process of adding pages to search engines such as Google, Bing. This is a key step in optimizing a website for search engines (SEO), because until a page is indexed, it cannot be found through a search engine.

    Here’s why indexing is important:

    • Visibility: Without indexing, your site will not appear in search results, which means potential visitors will not be able to find it.
    • Traffic: The higher the quality and quantity of indexed pages, the greater the chance of attracting organic traffic.
    • Ranking: Indexed pages participate in the ranking process. If the information on a page is relevant and useful, it can improve your site’s ranking in search results.
    • Updating information: Search engines regularly re-index pages to update data in their database, which is important for keeping the information on the site up-to-date.

    To speed up indexing, you can use various tools and methods, for example, sitemaps (sitemap), robots.txt, webmaster services from search engines, as well as services like Most traffic comes to sites that do not have problems with indexing. How to speed up indexing using simple methods proven in practice by hundreds of specialists?

    How to speed up site indexing? Modern methods

    ускорить индексацию сайта

    1. Nesting level. Simplify the structure if necessary. Each page should be a maximum of 2-3 clicks from the main one.



    2. Internal linking. Do internal linking of the site. Internal links are a sure way to speed up the indexing of new articles.

    Better yet, implement a special SEO module on the site, “Bot Catcher”, thanks to which, for example, the latest added products or articles are placed on the main page of the site.

    3. Robots.txt. Create a robots.txt file. Specify in the file which pages cannot be indexed (for example, service pages and the admin panel do not need to be indexed).

    It doesn’t really help Google though.

    Что выбрать мета-тег «robots» или robots.txt?

    4. Site map. Create a sitemap.xml with links to all important pages on the site.

    Better yet, make an auto-generated sitemap. The sitemap.xml auto-generation module should include such conditions as crawling the entire site daily and adding pages to the map that are not there yet, as well as correlating these pages with robots.txt. To avoid mutual exclusions like robots.txt says not to index, and sitemap.xml says to index.

    5. Download speed. Work out the download speed so that search robots get answers to their queries as quickly as possible.

    6. Frequency of publications. Publish new content frequently. The indexing time also depends on the frequency of publications. For example, daily posts lead to the most frequent indexing for a blog – daily.

    7. Link building. Create external links, work on the citation of your site on the Internet. Link building is a sure way to speed up its indexing.

    8.SMM. Promote your resource on social networks. Links to articles/products in social networks can speed up indexing, especially if the account is promoted.

    9. “Marketing the crowd.” Use forums and blogs, or crowd marketing.

    Крауд-маркетинг 5

    10. Services from search engines. Submit articles manually for indexing. Search engine services can also help – Googlebot from Google and “Page Recrawl” from Yandex. There is always an opportunity in the webmaster to send certain pages for indexing.

    11. Server response code. Set up the correct server response codes! If the page is already indexed and has not changed since the last date of indexing, give search robots a response code of 304 Not Modified (“did not change”). Thus, you will save the crawling budget allocated to your site from search engines.

    12. Site logs. Analyze site logs and draw conclusions!

    13. Forced indexing. Use services for forced indexing of site pages, for example, a Telegram bot @IndexFastBot.

    14. Other technical points:

    • Remove orphan pages.
    • Remove junk pages (duplicates, low quality documents).
    • Get rid of endless pagination.
    • Reduce the number of pages that return 4xx and 5xx server responses.
    • Reduce the number of links with redirects.
    • Close links in “nofollow”.

    15. Implementing a permanent 301 redirect from traffic pages

    Using a 301 redirect allows you to redistribute traffic and authority from a high-traffic site to one that needs improved indexing performance or search engine attention.
    Once the page’s destination is indexed, the redirect can be canceled.

    16. Connect to Google AdSense

    Google AdSense usually provides a list of reasons for refusing to moderate a site, which can take up to two weeks. For example, a site may be rejected due to “little useful content,” which gives an understanding of the site’s problems that need to be addressed.

    17. Traffic from Google Ads

    The launch of contextual advertising helps speed up the indexing of these pages, as it increases the frequency of visits to these pages by search robots, which increases the chances of their indexing.

    18. Drive traffic through Pinterest

    Due to its popularity in the Western market, Pinterest is becoming a valuable resource not only for users, but also for search engine crawlers. The Google search bot is especially active in using the platform. By creating content in the form of Pinterest Pins, you can effectively attract this bot’s attention to the landing pages of your site.

    19. Opening access for Googlebot

    Double-check that access to Google bots is not blocked due to the DDoS attack protection system on your hosting. Whitelist Googlebot’s corresponding IP addresses for DDoS protection.
    Link to the range of Googlebot IP addresses:

    Following these rules will help speed up indexing by search engines. Use both internal and external optimization techniques to get accelerated indexing up and running as quickly as possible.

    What do you use?


    How can you speed up the indexing of your site by search engines?

    To speed up indexing, create and submit a sitemap (sitemap.xml) through the Google Webmaster Console, ensure your robots.txt file is correct, and actively use social media to drive traffic to your site.

    How effective is the use of social networks for website indexing?

    Social signals can speed up indexing because they create additional links to your site that search engines can quickly discover and index.

    Can manually adding URLs to Google Webmaster Console help with indexing?

    Yes, this might help. You can request individual pages to be indexed through the URL Inspection tool in the Webmaster Console.

    Does site loading speed affect indexing speed?

    Site speed can affect indexing, as search engines prefer fast sites. Optimizing page load times can have a positive impact on indexing speed.

    What to do if site pages are not indexed properly?

    Make sure pages are indexable and not blocked by robots.txt, check for server errors, eliminate duplicate content, and use 301 redirects for outdated or deleted pages.

    How to check if a page is indexed?

    You can use the “site:” operator in a search engine by entering “”. If the page appears in the results, it is indexed.

    Will publishing quality content help with indexing?

    Yes, high-quality and unique content that is useful to users is more often indexed by search engines and attracts attention faster.

    Does the presence of external links affect indexing speed?

    External links from authoritative resources can speed up the indexing process because they increase the trust of search engines in your site.

    Should I remove old or irrelevant pages for better indexing?

    It is not necessary to delete, but it is important to use 301 redirects to redirect traffic and search bots from outdated pages to relevant ones. This will help keep the index up to date.

    Can reindexing via Google Translate help with page indexing?

    This is a non-standard method and its effectiveness has not been proven. Use the more traditional methods described in this article.

    How can non-indexed pages affect a search engine’s attitude towards a site?

    Pages that are excluded from the index can signal to the search engine that there is low-quality or duplicate content, which can potentially affect the site’s overall ranking. However, if such pages are deliberately excluded (for example, through robots.txt or using the noindex meta tag), this can have a positive effect on the indexing of the rest of the content, making it more targeted.

    Can the noindex tag affect the indexing of a page after it is removed?

    After removing the noindex tag, search engines again begin to take the page into account when indexing. However, the time it takes to re-index may vary, and it may take some time for the search engine to detect the changes and update the status of the page in its database.

    How do search engines treat URLs with hashes?

    URLs with hashes (#) are typically used for navigation within a single page and do not affect its indexing as a separate URL. Search engines generally ignore hashes and do not consider them as an indication of the page’s unique content.

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