How to conduct an online survey and make money from it

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    A survey is a great opportunity to learn more about your customers or customers, but it’s also a great opportunity to increase sales. But only if everything is properly prepared. How to do this, read on.

    Step 1: Choose a survey topic

    First you need to correctly determine the subject of the survey or test. The form of the test is preferable, it is more interesting for the audience, as it allows you to learn something about yourself.

    The topic should be related to your product or product and help achieve the main goal – to increase the number of applications and sales. For example, if you sell online training courses, the test might be about losing weight or improving your appearance.

    For example:

    • Weight loss diet test
    • Find out with the help of an online TEST whether you have a chance to lose weight
    • Online food addiction test

    Step 2: Prepare the survey

    At the end of the test, a person usually gets some kind of result. You will send it by mail. Thus, you will collect a database of potential customers with which you can work in the future.

    You need to think carefully about the questions and calculate the points that will be awarded for a particular answer. Each question should be relevant to the purpose of your survey. Structured ones with specific answer options are easier to process, while open ones will help you get unexpected and interesting information that will further improve your offer and increase sales. You can combine questions to get a clearer picture, while still allowing for quick analysis of the results.

    An example of a multiple choice question:

    Пример вопроса с вариантами ответов

    An example of an open question:

    Пример открытого вопроса

    After answering such a question, you can further work with the objections of potential customers, because. we will discover their “pain”.

    A weighted and thoughtful scoring of the test is necessary so that after passing it, the person receives exactly the version of the result that corresponds to reality by mail. If we create, for example, a test on the topic “Are you moving enough?”, Then the answer to it should be unambiguous. Preferably with specific expert advice. In this case, it will be possible to attach an invitation to free online training or paid compilation of an individual diet, a program for the gym to the letter with the test result.

    An example of such a letter:

    пример письма

    Step 3: Interested in taking the test

    Unfortunately, the times when people on the Internet were interested in the tests themselves are almost gone. Therefore, to increase the number of respondents, interest your potential customers or buyers. Think about what they would be interested in getting for passing the test? For example, you can make a discount or offer a free consultation.

    Step 4: Submit a survey or test

    Before launching a survey on the “big Internet”, it should be correctly formatted on the sites that you will use for distribution. Be sure to check the correctness of the test results and how the letters arrive.

    Step 5: Host the Test on the Web

    A prepared test survey and enticing text for it can be:

    • place on your own website using the built-in functionality. For example, the Quiz And Survey Master plugin for WordPress sites. Implementation Example – Online Marketing Quiz: What kind of internet marketer are you?;
    • place on a specialized service for surveys. For example, or Implementation example – How do you feel about discounts?;
    • use in mailing on a “warm” or “cold” base. For example, using the Getresponse service, it also has built-in functionality for creating tests.

    P.S. If you want to automate the process of processing tests / surveys as much as possible, then Google Forms is not suitable for these purposes.

    Step 6: Conduct a PR survey or test

    The more people pass your test, the larger the sample for further work and potentially more closed deals. To do this, you will need the following tools:

    • For maximum sharing of the test on social networks, targeted advertising is great. Carefully work out an advertising campaign so as not to lose money on impressions to an untargeted audience;
    • share a link to a ready-made test across thematic sites and blogs using article marketing tools: Miralinks, Gogetlinks, Rotapost, Blogun, etc.;
    • distribute a link to the test/survey through a teaser or contextual advertising;
    • and other options for attracting traffic to the test.

    Step 7: Make a performance analysis

    Any advertising campaign should end with an analysis of its effectiveness. The test you created and conducted is no exception. You need to carefully calculate the amount:

    • collected emails;
    • requests;
    • orders or purchases.

    результаты опроса

    Do not forget, the survey is also conducted in order to better understand the target audience. Thanks to him, you will be able to collect the main objections for further work with them in other advertising companies. The more respondents answer the test, the smaller the error will be in the data you receive.

    Think about what kind of survey or test would be interesting for your potential clients or customers and use this scheme in your niche. Good luck!

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