This course will be relevant and useful to companies who:
- wants to figure out how to create effective selling texts for any communications;
- is looking for exclusive information from professionals that will help to stand out and become successful in the market.
The course on copywriting includes such lectures:
- Terminology. What are we selling in the text?
- Stages of writing a sales text.
- Research before starting work on the text.
- How to write a title? 7 types of headers (blanks).
- Tips for writing catchy headlines.
- Problematic paragraph.
- Description of benefits. How to use the item’s multifunctionality?
- Sale price.
- Sale action.
- Strengthening texts.
- Neurocopywriting.
- Copywriting for social networks with analysis of the correct texts for Promotions (in 2 parts).
- Copywriting in SEO or what is LSI copywriting.
- Naming.
- Content strategy for social networks.
- Basic principles of good content.
- Types of content for social networks + examples.
- Stages of a content strategy.
- Sources for content selection.
- What is a content plan and what does it look like?
- How to distribute content?
- #copywriting
- #copywriting
- #copywriting
What will you learn about?
- How to properly plan the stages of writing a selling text;
- How to collect and analyze the necessary information;
- How to write an effective text structure;
- How to describe the benefits to the target audience;
- How to sell the price in various ways;
- How to sell an action, achieve the main goal with which a selling text is written.
You can easily use in your texts practical skills + “chips” that I have gained over 10 years of work as a copywriter.
Also, you will receive BONUSES:
- Workbook for the student of the intensive course “Copywriting”, with which you can independently perform practical tasks.
- Presentations “Copywriting”, “Neurocopywriting”, “SEO and LSI copywriting” – contains basic information.
- Additional material “Steps of writing a sales copy” – You can use it as a desktop guide when creating sales texts.
How much does a corporate copywriting course cost?
Write to me at with information about your company so that I can calculate the cost of the course specifically for your niche.
Also, you can find examples of lectures in the playlist