Slogans for stores

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    Слоган для магазинаFar behind are the days when a queue stretched for a kilometer slowly moved towards a single store. Now you almost never see such a picture. Well, except on sale day. It’s all about the wealth of choice. A spoiled consumer chooses carefully, no, even sorts through stores. Intensified competition forces to fight for each buyer, luring him into the den of a variety of goods. And one of the main attraction tools is the slogan for stores.

    As we have already noted, the main task in compiling a slogan for stores is to lure potential buyers, branding and memorability. It should also be understood that an important component is the specialization of the store itself. In each case, there are nuances. For example, a slogan for a shoe store will be significantly different in design from a slogan for a grocery store. Therefore, I propose to consider them by category.

    Slogan for a clothing store

    In this case, it is necessary to focus on the fact that it is your store that sells style, understands fashion and that it will help you look irresistible:

    • Stock Center. All to the face! Everything is affordable! (“Stock Center”, a chain of clothing and footwear stores, Moscow) – as we can see, copywriters also focused on the availability of clothing
    • Three fat men. You can see us from afar. (Shops “Three Fat Men”, men’s clothing in large sizes),
    • Small. High fashion for petite women. (“Nevelichka”, a clothing store for short women) is a prime example of using a USP (unique selling proposition) in a slogan for a clothing store
    • Caligula. Expensive suits are addictive. (Boutiques “Caligula”, sale of men’s clothing and luxury accessories) – emphasis on the importance of expensive things for significant people.

    Slogan for grocery store

    In this category, the slogan most often rests on product quality, low cost and convenient location:

    • Cowberry. Zavitay do susidiv (Brusnichka supermarket chain) – a huge supermarket chain automatically makes them your neighbors 🙂
    • We are switching to a healthy diet. (The chain of supermarkets “Crossroads”) – in addition to focusing on the quality of goods, copywriters also beat their naming.
    • Quarter. Everything tastes better and closer. (“Kvartal”, a chain of grocery stores) is a combined version, so to speak.

    Logo for a furniture store

    It is mainly developed taking into account quality, design and advantage over competitors:

    • Boring without competitors … (Kitchen of Russia chain of stores) – but really …
    • Ikea. Think bolder. (Furniture stores “IKEA”) – a bold design and makes …
    • It’s a shame to be poor. (“Ludovic”, French interior gallery, St. Petersburg) – and again we see an emphasis on the importance of expensive goods

    Examples of other interesting slogans for the store

    • Come in, bring the owner! (The Beethoven chain of pet stores) – if only this inscription hung at the level of the legs.
    • It starts with curiosity… (Avanta+ company bookstore) – and ends with a doctoral dissertation 🙂
    • Not cheap equipment – prices are low (Elinor office equipment sales company) – the authors corrected the mistake of many inexperienced copywriters. After all, they often write that the technology itself is cheap. And the human mind immediately transforms it as “bad”.

    So, if you decide to open your store, do not skimp on a good specialist in the field of “syllabic composition”. After all, it is the right slogan that will attract buyers to you, and not to competitors. An important role is also given to naming, but that’s another story…

    Author: Comrade Tunkov

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