How to master web design from scratch

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    Each company has its own website, where the main information about the brand is localized. This is a kind of digital business card that gives the client a comprehensive understanding of who is in front of him.

    A web designer is engaged in the construction and design of the site. The specialist analyzes the specifics of the business, studies the behavioral habits of the target audience and, based on the material received, creates the optimal product. It is important for a designer to create a website where the client not only lingers, but also makes a purchase.

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    Is it possible to learn web design from scratch on your own? Despite the fact that web design is in the IT plane, you do not have to write codes here. This is a great option for those who want to quickly change their profile. You can learn the intricacies of digital design on your own, but it will take more time than, say, taking courses.

    It is desirable for a modern specialist to develop in two directions at once: UX and UI design. Understanding the specifics of both niches will distinguish you among the candidates for the position and give you reason to increase the price tag for services.

    A web designer is a multitasking specialist who must have an impressive basic skill set:

    • Knowledge of the basic principles of composition. You must collect individual elements into a single ensemble, correctly prioritizing. Behind this skill is not only a theoretical base, but also observation and hours of practice.
    • Understanding the basics of color and typography. The ability to combine colors and fonts is something without which it is impossible to imagine a good designer.
    • Layout skills and knowledge of software.
    • Ability to create responsive websites.
    • Understanding of marketing principles and user experience. You must create not only a beautiful, but also a convenient product. And here you can not do without knowledge of the psychology of your potential buyer.

    This is the minimum set of qualities that a designer should have from the start. In order to stand out among the candidates, you need to develop your practical skills and replenish the theoretical basis with new knowledge.

    On the Bubbl portal you can find the coolest guide for designers. There is generally a lot of useful information not only on niche, but also on general topics: financial literacy, psychology, digital life. Articles on these and other topics are written in simple language and are easy to read. Therefore, even if you are not a seasoned IT specialist – come in for your portion of useful content – it will be interesting.

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