How to choose a topic for an article? TOP 13 most popular sources for finding ideas

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    Don’t know how to choose an article topic? Here is a list of 13 (my favorite number) top sources for content ideas that will interest your target audience. With an example for each item.

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    How to choose a topic for an article: 13 sources

    Search engines

    As an SEO specialist, I love this technique, especially the questions that users write in the search bar. To do this, use the Google Keywords Planner and Serpstat services. Enter a keyword (subject) and a question. For example, “what + marketing”.

    In Yandex, you can also look at the column “What else people were looking for when they searched for a “keyword”, where it is also good to draw ideas or make a mix.

    “How to” articles are very popular in the bourgeoisie, especially if they are also accompanied by a video optimized for Youtube.

    Example: How to become a copywriter? 3 easy steps

    Google Alerts

    These are notifications from Google about the appearance of new content, a very useful tool not only for scooping ideas, but also for tracking mentions of you, your company, key employees, etc. (i.e. for working with reputation management – SERM); plagiarism detection, etc. It was updated in March 2014 and now it is possible to select the language and region.


    Twitter is the fastest media. You can use the keyword search in the microblog itself for deeper analysis and monitoring of interesting posts.

    Thematic news, resources, forums

    I think that each niche has its own specialized website, social network and professional forum where both potential clients and experts and sellers communicate.

    Q&A Services

    The most popular again from search engines:

    • Yahoo. answers,
    • Quora.

    For example: How to find out the traffic of someone else’s site?

    Communities in social networks

    Unfortunately, now people in communities absorb content more than they generate it themselves, but still, some ideas for content in discussions and comments can be caught.

    Example: How to become an SEO specialist?

    Webinars, seminars, conferences

    In general, at all these events they like to ask interesting and sometimes provocative questions. Keep your ears open and take notes!


    Here I mean not only comments on your blog, but also on other sites, in social networks and in general, everything that causes a heated discussion should be of interest to you.

    Letters from readers

    As an example, I will cite a letter from one of my readers who asked me to answer a question about creating a new tourism website.


    Read books and you will be happy! After reading a really high-quality book, a lot of ideas are born, because. information passes through your individual experience, consciousness and picture of the world. Therefore, reading the same book gives an unequal effect for different people.


    Perhaps the history lessons were one of my favorites, not only for me.

    An example of such articles is on my blog: What is a browser and how does it work. History of development

    FAQ or glossary


    • FAQ of the Internet marketing agency MAVR. On each issue, in principle, you can write an article.
    • Glossary of terms SMM-shchik and targetologist.

    Something new, author’s life hack, experience

    Example: Spam check: email scoring.

    To automate all the processes outlined above, I use the Content Strategy Helper, which is more suitable for working in the bourgeois.

    If ideas are really bad, use topic generators for posts. Although they work better with English. Here are some of these services:

    • HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator,
    • Content Idea Generator.

    How to choose a topic for a blog?

    If you decide to start a blog, then first of all, you will need to decide on the goals that you are pursuing. For example, if you strive to fill the content of the resource with interesting and unique articles that can interest potential visitors, then you should know that there is an opportunity to make good money in this way.

    But first, you need to decide on the topic, because it plays an important role. Please note that you should write only those articles, the topics of which are relevant, interesting for users. But this does not mean that you need to write even about what you do not understand, because maintaining a website about medicine will not work for a person who is a professional in the field of programming.

    How to choose a topic for a blog post?

    Keep in mind that in reality, only commercial resources receive the most profit, so you should take note of this. Even if the attendance of such projects is lower, keep in mind that the cost of advertising will be many times higher, follow this principle. In general, in order to be able to evaluate the profitability of your chosen topic, you need to use search engines.

    To do this, you should ask a request and see the results of the issue, if you notice a lot of advertising, then, accordingly, the topic is profitable.

    Of course, being a beginner, it is unlikely that you will be able to maintain a commercial project, because it is really not so easy to do this. Therefore, it is advisable to choose topics that can bring a flow of visitors, but you understand them yourself. For example, this includes men’s, women’s portals, culinary sites, etc.

    Please note right away that in reality the profit of such projects is not large, but again, this is a good start, because you need to start somewhere. Moreover, we should not forget that in popular topics, as a rule, there are always a lot of requests and a lot of competition. Therefore, try not to cover the entire topic at once, but focus on narrower areas.

    All this only means that it is possible, for example, not to write about food, as everyone does, but only about tea.

    If you do not understand a particular topic, but want to fill the content of the resource with just such articles, seek help from professionals.

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