About meta tags: what are they and why are they needed

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    When placing a website on the Internet, it is not enough just to fill it with relevant content to attract the target audience. In view of the fact that search services are the main navigators on the World Wide Web, web resources should be guided by their “approval”. One of the main tools in this task are meta tags – Title and Description.

    By their nature, they are components of the HTML code of the site that act as “beacons” for search engines, giving them the opportunity to get an idea of ​​the content of the page. For this reason, any work on SEO optimization necessarily includes the compilation of these meta tags in accordance with the requirements of search engines.

    What do meta tags give?

    Thanks to the correctly spelled Title and Description, the same Google service will be able to issue their site in response to a user request by checking its text with the content of meta tags. With the improvement of search filters, the role of meta tags in the issue has diminished in favor of keywords in the content of the resource itself, however, the correct filling of the Title and Description is still very important in terms of optimization. The main tasks of these tags are as follows:

    • Providing brief information to the user and the search engine about the content of the web resource.
    • Interaction with filters and search algorithms of services such as Google and Yandex, so that they provide a link to a specific resource for a relevant request.
    • Attracting the target audience by reaching the top lines of the top search results in search engines.

    In cases where the optimizer or site owner refuses to fill in the meta tags in the HTML code on their own, the search engine will collect the snippet based on the content of the resource pages. However, in such a situation, the human factor plays an important role, in view of which the automatic filling of the Title and Description is not always able to accurately convey the content and direction of the site.

    About the Title meta tag

    The title meta tag acts as the title of the page in the list of search engine results. It must contain a keyword that helps search engine algorithms associate it with the request of users from the target audience. In the HTML code, the meta tag is represented as follows: <title>Title Text</title>. He is also responsible for the page name, which is displayed on the browser tab in the top bar. In order for this meta tag to work properly, it must be filled in in accordance with the following rules:

    • The maximum amount of text is 70 characters. In the Google system, Title cannot exceed 600 pixels.
    • Be sure to include keywords that are usually placed at the very beginning of the text. Avoid spamming or placing a key in the Title that is not related to the page promotion policy.
    • Should not contain too many capital letters in a row.
    • Company name. If the name of the company or brand is not part of an important keyword phrase, then it is better to define it at the end of the title tag. If the brand or company name forms a key, then this name should be placed as the first word in the title.
    • Don’t duplicate title tags on two or more pages. For each page they should be written differently.
    • The text of the meta tag should correspond not only to the search engine, but also to the convenience of the user. Fill in the Title with consistent sentences.
    • You cannot write the same keyword more than once in a meta tag, either in a direct entry or in a word form.

    Description meta tag: filling and its tasks

    In the text of the Description tag, a brief description of the site, page or offer that is being promoted to the resources is signed. For a resource optimization specialist, the HTML code with a meta tag looks like <meta name=”description” content=”site description text”/> and is filled in according to the following rules:

    • The maximum volume of Description text is from 70 to 155 characters. Google’s search engine algorithms measure meta tag sizes in pixels and set a limit of 400-930 pixels.
    • The Description text must begin with a keyword. Experts advise to insert it in the exact occurrence, but this rule can be deviated from for the sake of consistency of the text.
    • At the same time, the meta tag should not repeat the contents of the Title. Otherwise, search filters may perceive the page as spammy with keywords.
    • The description text must end with a period, question mark, or exclamation point.
    • The content of the Description is filled in with a view to creating a positive impression of the site for the reader. So, in a meta tag for an online store, you can briefly mention the fact of a discount on a product, a promotional offer, etc.
    • For best effect, should contain a few unique keywords or phrases.

    How to use Metateger?

    Step 1. Download meta tags from the site by URL

    Скачиваем с сайта метатеги по URL

    Step 2. We check the occurrence of keywords

    Производим проверку входения ключевых слов

    Try Metatager and generate meta tags for the site

    The technology of indexing pages in search engines continues to evolve, placing more and more stringent requirements on sites. Nevertheless, the role of meta tags remains unchanged, allowing you to “kill two birds with one stone” at once – to promote the site in the ranking of search algorithms and to convey information about its content to the user concisely.

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