7 interesting facts about Aliexpress

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    1. The founder of one of the most successful marketplaces, Jack Ma, is an ordinary English teacher.

    2. Jack did not create the company alone, he was helped in this by his 17 friends. In 1999, they created the Alibaba Group company and created an Internet platform for the trade of small Chinese entrepreneurs. This project worked for the enthusiasm of the whole 4 years, but the guys did not give up and continued to develop. Now the company is one of the most influential in the world. The company includes such projects as Alibaba.com, Tmail, Taobao, ALIEXPRESS and others.

    11 друзей Оушена и aliexpress

    3. Nowadays, Jack Ma is the richest man in China. He owns only 7% of Alibaba Group shares. However, Forbes estimates his fortune at $30.9 billion. He stepped down as CEO in 2013 but is on the board of directors at Alibaba Group.

    4. The site itself is only 8 years old. Aliexpress as a separate trading platform was launched in 2010. Website adaptation was made for small entrepreneurs. Chinese resellers settled on it, they sold goods at retail to other countries.

    5. Now there are more than 50 million different goods on the site.

    6. A large complex with offices was created for the company’s employees. The complex is located in Hangzhou. Modern buildings with chic interiors are located on the territory. You can also find shops, cafes, gyms and sports grounds there.

    7. Most of the buyers are in the Russian market.

    Aliexpress is the most popular and visited online store. Buyers from Russia actively use the site to purchase various small goods. Buyers from the Russian Federation, on average, purchase checks for $ 20, which is much less than from buyers from America.

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