Books 2013. What did I read last year?

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    Книги 2013

    Last year I published 20 Books I Read in 2012. I don’t want to change the tradition here either.

    1. Ram Charan with the participation of Gary Willigan “KNOW-HOW, 8 skills you need to have to achieve results in business.”

    An excellent book with many real business examples from corporations such as Apple, Google, Procter & Gamble, General Motors, General Electric, Intel and many more.

    Some of my favorite quotes: “The best employees are constantly working on themselves, and the only way to help them is to provide feedback and mentoring”, “You need to improve your ability to understand people by devoting time and effort every day”, “There is no such concept as an ideal leader for all times and for all occasions.

    Here are the 8 skills:

    • Positioning and repositioning.
    • Management of the social system.
    • Identification of changes in the external environment.
    • People evaluation.
    • Creation of a management team.
    • Goal setting.
    • Prioritization.
    • Interaction with extra-market forces.

    2. Review of the book by Arthur Grant “Copywriting for high fees.”

    3. Mini-book “20 secrets of working in social media from Ilya Balakhnin”.

    4. Mini-book by Denis Kaplunov “Twitter-Copywriting”

    5. Mini-book by Alexander Orlov “Secrets of managing programmers. How to double the salary of a programmer manager, make a career and start living.

    6. Mini-book by Gleb Dunayevsky “33 rules for career management through connections.”

    7. “Psychology of lies”. Ekman Paul. The book didn’t live up to my expectations. There are no special tricks with a 100% guarantee of verification of a deceiver. It’s a pity(

    8. SEO monster 2013.

    9. Babaev A., Evdokimov N., Shtarev A. “Make money on the Internet! Bubble button.

    10. Ferazzi “Never eat yourself.”

    Great book on networking! It remains only to gradually introduce the ideas of the author into my life, for example, now I decided to expand my network of acquaintances with people of the following professions:

    • Restaurant owners
    • “Headhunters” (headhunters), or HR
    • Lobbyists
    • Persons providing funding for public projects
    • Politicians
    • Public Relations Specialists or PR Managers
    • Journalists

    11. Allan and Barbara Pease. “Language of relationships”. Recommended reading for all couples who cannot find a common language. The book really shocked me, reading it, I smiled a lot! 🙂

    12. I liked the previous book so much that I decided to read the author Gray John recommended there with Mars and Venus in the Bedroom.

    13. Mini-book “How to create a photographer’s website and promote it quickly and with minimal investment.”

    Книги 2013 Goodwill

    14. Review of the book by Ilya Balakhnin “Horizontal World: Economics, Innovations, New Media”.

    15. Boukreev A. Holstinin K. “Goodwill. How to start career planning. The formula for building up your “goodwill” (reputation) is very simple and is described in an infographic, where the first 3 points in the “Terms of the contract” column indicate: fee, or monetary reward; time; mobility. Second column or Goodwill (from top to bottom): business contacts, training, portfolio, PR of ourselves. A very persuasive book. I especially recommend it for beginners.

    16. Guidance for assessors from Google.

    17. Review of the book by Dmitry Kot “Copywriting: how not to eat the dog. We create texts that sell.

    18. Review of the book by Dmitry Kot “E-mail marketing. Comprehensive Guide”.

    19. Review of the book by Damir Khalilov “Marketing in social networks”.

    20. Artur Schnitzler “Peredbachennya dolі” (Pʼєsi, opovіdannya).

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