Roman Buchimensky: “Is it possible to ban light?!”

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    You can talk about him for a long time and a lot: Roman Buchimensky (MSc, IACH, RCHom) is a classical homeopath, Master of Medical Sciences (Tel Aviv University), a member of the Israeli Association of Classical Homeopathy, a graduate of the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (Greece). Founder and director of the Via Homeopatica clinic. We decided to ask what is a holistic approach in medicine, why homeopathy is called pseudoscience and many other interesting things.

    Roman, what are you doing?

    Роман Бучименский

    I am a specialist in holistic medicine, a classical homeopath. I study life in its various manifestations and bring this knowledge into my practice, it allows me to help people get rid of various physical and spiritual ailments.

    What is a holistic approach?

    The concepts of “holism” and “holistic” come from the Greek word “holon” – holistic, wholeness. From the point of view of holism, the whole world and all living things are a single whole, and man is an integral part of it. The holistic approach considers a person considering together his physical, mental, emotional and social manifestations. Our body is not a set of separate, unrelated organs, but an integral living system in which everything is connected.

    Imagine an orchestra with its variety of components – these are the musicians and musical instruments and the conductor, and they all play a harmonious harmonious melody. And, suddenly, we heard falsehood, some dissonance. Modern medicine offers its own, radical, solution: it will kill the musician, replace the instruments, deport the conductor, but the music will not become more harmonious from this. And it was only necessary to re-tune the violin, or to give the musician a rest if he was tired, or the conductor’s baton was trembling in his hands and it was necessary to help him regain confidence so that the music would sound with original power and beauty.

    Under what conditions is holistic and homeopathic treatment effective?

    Real healing is always holistic and proceeds according to universal laws.

    One of the conditions for quick and gentle healing is awareness. Agree, it is difficult to cure a person from radiation sickness, who every evening walks in radioactive places. We are all a set of habits, both healthy and harmful. What is a habit? These are myriads of repetitive neural scripts. And if a person spends time creating new neural pathways, changes the harmful to the useful in his life, then the overall level of health will increase.

    After all, a person creates himself and his life.

    Роман Бучименский

    Are there healthy people? 🙂

    Undoubtedly. If a person maintains a balance in all areas of his life, then we can talk about his health as a result of his harmonious development in the family, in society. Such daily fruitful work allows a person to be healthy today more than yesterday, and tomorrow more than today.

    What marketing chips do you use to promote your clinic?

    We are just now thinking about social platforms like Facebook and Instagram and more in order to help our patients get the right basic knowledge, because many people do not even realize how dangerous information from numerous incorrect sources in social networks carries. We also conduct various projects around the world, participate in retreats, hold corporate parties, workshops, and there are also online webinars.

    You studied at the most prestigious Academy of Homeopathy, what did it give you?

    Studying at the Academy radically changed my life. For me, separate, unrelated things opened up in one beautiful puzzle. I saw how you can change reality. And most importantly – I was filled with hope and found out that there is a real opportunity to help people and restore health, using knowledge that has been tested by time and experience. The Academy provided an opportunity to meet interesting people, like-minded people from different countries, with whom we have been cooperating for more than 20 years.

    Does it matter to you which country to work in? Israel, Russia, India, USA? Where is the more modern approach?

    My task in any country is the same – to hear the person himself, to understand his needs, dreams, pains, hopes, to help him overcome illnesses, achieve his goals and live fully.

    Роман Бучименский

    Of course, different countries will have their own specifics for achieving this. I was lucky to live under different regimes, to get acquainted with different traditions, customs and mentalities of people. I still travel a lot, I know several languages, I study the culture and history of different peoples. All this helps a lot in my work.

    Lately, I’ve been receiving mostly via Skype. I was one of the first homeopaths to open a skype clinic and I remember my colleagues’ bewilderment about this. But look how the whole planet before our eyes very quickly turns into a single city, all borders are erased. It is also distinctive how yoga and breathing practices have recently become popular in the West, and in the East, centuries-old traditional things are saturated with modern technologies. The only thing that remains unchanged for me is the pleasure of treating people, no matter where and when, it always tastes the same and there is nothing better than it.

    What are the main causes of human diseases? Are there ground rules for being healthy?

    The cause of human diseases lies in the fact that he has become more detached from nature and from himself. The more a person lives in disagreement with himself and the world, the more severe his illnesses. Defragmentation occurs – this is falling apart into pieces, scattering from the whole in particular.

    For example, a person suffers from high blood pressure. From the point of view of a holistic approach, the pressure is increased not only in the arterial vessels, but also in other systems, a person experiences pressure in different areas of his life and this is the true cause of such a symptom. Most people suffering from blood pressure can be quickly cured without drugs, it is enough to teach them not to overexert themselves.

    And what annoys modern man? All!

    Look how we live – in constant tension, in time pressure, there is no time for ourselves, for loved ones, for creativity. We are constantly stressed by the lack of time. And in this constant race, we lose even what could relieve this tension – rest. We have learned to rest.

    Our hunter-gatherer ancestors worked only 2-3 hours a day, and the rest of the time they lived and enjoyed life. Let’s at least learn from them. The parts of the brain responsible for happiness and joy were more developed in the hunter-gatherer than in modern humans. They devoted more time and attention to the knowledge of the world and the game, and it cannot be said that they did not have stress at all, but they knew how to deal with it effectively. And one of the main causes of the disease of modern man is that he does not know how to deal with stress that haunts him at every turn.

    We sleep wrong, eat wrong and even walk wrong. We scatter our health bit by bit every day. And if a person is taught to work with stress correctly, to drink, breathe, eat, sleep correctly, then he will be healthy.

    RAS member Gennady Onishchenko calls homeopathy pseudoscience. Why does homeopathy cause so many rumors, but it is not banned?

    Роман Бучименский

    Is it possible to ban light?!

    Many progressive doctors and scientists consider homeopathy one of the medicines of the future. That is why this direction causes so many rumors. Homeopathy threatens with its success those who do not see the connection between the spiritual and the material. Homeopathy is a method that is cheap and effective for the consumer and does not require much investment. It’s fast, inexpensive and reliable. So will people who promote the interests of big pharma and the old inefficient healthcare system be ready to cooperate?

    In what capacity do you act in the international projects that you mentioned earlier?

    Different projects, different roles. I try to create and participate in projects that help a person gain and maintain optimal health. In the Tiger Step project, we have created a unique simulator that teaches the human spine natural movements, “forgotten” by him with the transition to upright posture and “sitting all day”. In the AMMA project, we use the latest technologies and bioresonances to treat epidemics in Africa, in places of natural disasters and wars. In the Stress and Joy project, we help in an easy game form to learn effective methods of self-regulation.

    What is the most interesting thing in your activity?

    I like to study life in all its manifestations, to help people and to know myself.

    The interview was prepared as part of the “Interview with our Clients” project. If you are our Client, and we still have not talked about your project in the blog, contact us in any convenient way to prepare for publication.

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